Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Davronbek KadirovBukhara State University


The article focuses on the historical importance of sources containing information about the life, qualities, deeds and genealogy of the awliya ( saints) who belongs to the chain of Naqshbandi tariqa and the theory and practice of the Naqshbandi order given in the book “Al-Mawahib us-Sarmadia” of the Egyptian Sheikh Muhammad Amin al-Kurdi. It is known that according to the views of the Sufis, in order to achieve the Truth, a person must experience suffering, undergo torment and work hard on himself. And only by mystical and existential experience, and not by training, he will achieve what he wants. According to Sheikh Mohammed Amin al-Kurdi, who has embarked on the path of Sufism - Salik, will be able to exhaust spiritual power not from contemplation of sheikhs or saints , but from the study of their life, deeds and moral qualities. He believed that reading Sufi works educates a person morally and spiritually. In the book Al-Mawahib us-Sarmadiya, the author cites several Sufi-enlightening treatises created in the 17th-19th centuries in the Arab world and which are unfamiliar to Uzbek science. These works provide valuable information not only about the philosophical views, practices and methods of Sufi teachings, but also about the life, views and spiritual heritage of scientists living in our country. From this point of view, the above sources and their authors are investigated in the article in theoretical, comparative and historical-chronological aspects.


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