Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Shaykh Muhammad Ala’Ad-Din Naqshbandi Khalidi Uthmani (RA)

Shaykh Ala' al-Din al-Naqshbandi Beholds The Prophet Muhammad ...Shaykh Muhammad Ala’Ad-Din Naqshbandi Khalidi Uthmani (RA)

He is the son of Shaykh Umar Diya’ad-Din Naqshbandi. He was born in Tawilah and grew in the abode of wisdom, propriety, obedience and piety. After fully reciting the Holy Quran (Khatmah),he underwent schooling under the learned men. He read the circulated religious, literary and sagacious books, and studied the Arabic Sciences. He had extreme fondness in learning and knowledge, and was also proficient in preachment. He took the pledge at the hand of his prominent uncle Shaykh Muhammad Baha’ad-Din, who graciously conferred special attention to him and to his brother Shaykh Najm’ad-Din. After his uncle’s death and even prior to it ,his father, the Spiritual Guide Shaykh Diya’ad-Din favored him with oversight and guidance; and said regarding him and his brother Najm’ad-Din: ”If someone adheres to them, they will convey him to the exquisite station. He started performing the ritual duties (ibada) at an early age, because he was brought up in the house of temperance and gnosis.
When he reached manhood, he visited several locations, amongst them: the city of Sananadge, the capital of Iranian Kurdistan at that time, and to Gawanaroud which he abided for period of time for preachment and guidance. later He turned to Biyara; and in deference to mores, he did not stay there. Rather He lived in the village of Darshish where he  built a Takiya; and its completion, he abandoned it and went to Doroud after he lived for two years at Sarwabad. There, he founded on piety and devotion a Khanqah and a religious school that was coached by prominent scholars. Therafter Khanqah Doroud became a center for the dissemination of knowledge and perception, and the spreading of Islamic Institutes in the region. As a result people attended to him and his didactic influence augmented amongst the tiers and stratums of society. He bought several villages in the region to secure the unsparing and generous disbursement on the school and the khanqah.
Following the death of Najm’ad-Din, he returned to Biyara as the leader and the Spiritual Guide of the Order. Instantly he revived the sprightliness of Biyara School,and brought in Erudite Scholar Mulla Abdul Karim Mudarris, well known as the Tutor of Biyarah ,from Narksah Gar. This school used to accommodate nearly fifty to sixty apprentices belonging to the various stages of education, and in spite of extreme drought and privation at that time, he liberally sponsored from his own personal funds.
Finally before he departed to the abode of eternity, he enjoined that his righteous and pious son. Shaykh Uthman Siraj’ ad-Din to be his successor and spiritual guide of the exalted Naqshbandi Order.

Source:Siraj Al-Qulub " Lantern of Hearts" by Shaykh Muhammad Uthman Siraj'ad-Din Naqshbandi


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