Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Isra Wa al Mi'raj Program - 4/13/2018- al-Maqasid - Shaykh Yahya Rhodus & Shaykh AbdulKarim Yahya recite the Chapter 7 ,Isra Wa al-Mi'raj of Qasidah Burdah with Beautiful & Inspiring Commentary

Qasidah Burdah:Section Seven

In this section, Hadhrat Imaam Saalih Sharaf-ud-Deen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Busiri رحمة الله عليه has described about the Mi’raj of Rasoolullah A. In the previous sections, he رحمة الله عليه has spoken about the birth of Rasoolullah A, miracle of the Holy Qur’an, blessedness of the invitation to Islam and the praises of Rasoolullah A. In this section, he رحمة الله عليه narrates about the invitation of Nabi Akram A toward Allah Almighty. He رحمة الله عليه also describes about the heavens, angels and Allah’s Holy Prophets عليهم السلام who met Rasoolullah A in the night of Mi’raj.

    يَـا خَيْرَ مَنْ يَّمَّمَ الْعَـافُوْنَ سَـاحَتَهُ
    سَعْيـًـا وَّفَوْقَ مُتُوْنِ الأَيْنُقِ الرُّسُـمِ

    1. (O Prophet!)You are the best of those to whose court the seekers of bounties approach (and they come towards you for the fulfillment of their desires; they are) running (in such a state that they are) mounted on the backs of fast camels.

    وَمَنْ هُــوَ الآيـَةُ الْكُبْرَى لِمُعْتَبِـرٍ
    وَمَنْ هُـوَ النِّعْمَــةُ الْعُظْمٰى لِمُغْتَنِمِ

    1. And O (Holy Prophet!) you are the greatest sign for whom who takes lesson; and O (Prophet!) you are (the one) who is the greatest bounty for a person who gets (opportunity) to take something of it.

    سَرَيْتَ مِنْ حَـرَمٍ لَّيْــلاً إِِلىٰ حَرَمِ
    كَمَا سَـرَى الْبَدْرُ فِيْ دَاجٍ مِّنَ الظُّلَمِ

    1. (O Prophet!)You traveled over night from one sacred place (Haram Mosque) to another (Aqsa Mosque, same) as the full moon travels (at night) through intense darkness.

    وَبِتَّ تَرْقٰى إِِلىٰ أَنْ نِلْـتَ مَنْزِلَــةً
    مِنْ قَابَ قَوْسَـيْنِ لَمْ تُدْرَكْ وَلََْم تُـرَمِ

    1. And (O Prophet!) you continued ascending (over night) until you reached (your) destination (which is) Qaaba Qausain (the distance of two cubits length) which is never been attained nor sought (by any other prophet).

    وقَـدَّمَتْكَ جَمِيْعُ الأنْبِيَـاءِ بِهَـــا
    وَالرُّسْـلِ تَقْدِيْمَ مَخْـدُوْمٍ عَلىٰ خَـدَمِ

    1. And (O Prophet!) you were preferred (to lead other prophets عليهم السلام in prayer), due to your (high) position, by all prophets and messengers (عليهم السلام just as a) preference given by (a) servant to (his) master.

    وَأَنْتَ تَخْتَرِقُ السَّــبْعَ الطِّبَاقَ بِهِمْ
    فِيْ مَوْكِبٍ كُنْتَ فِيْـهِ صَاحِبَ الْعَـلَمِ

    1. And (O Prophet!) you passed the seven heavens with them (prophets عليهم السلام, while they were in your way and met you; and you continued your journey) in (such) a procession (of angels and prophets عليهم السلام) in which you were the leader (of them).

    حَتىّٰ إِِذَا لَمْ تَدَعْ شَــأْوًا لِّمُسْــتَبِقٍ
    مِنَ الـــدُّنُوِّ وَلا مَرْقىً لِّمُسْــتَنِمِ

    1. (O Prophet! You continued your journey in the night of Mi’raj) until you did not leave (any) goal (for) any competitor (to strive for it) in (being) close nor (did you leave) any room for advancer.

    خَفَضْتَ كُــلَّ مَقَامٍم بِالإِِضَـافَةِ إِِذْ
    نُوْدِيْتَ بِالـرَّفْعِ مِثْلَ الْمُفْرَدِ الْعَــلَمِ

    1. (O Prophet!)You made every position (of prophets عليهم السلام) inferior by (your) advance, when you were invited (by Allah Almighty) to (His) Majestic and Unique position.

    كَيْمَا تَفُوْزَ بِوَصْــلٍ أيِّ مُسْــتَتِرِ
    عَنِ الْعُيُــوْنِ وَسِـــرٍّ أيِّ مُكْتَتِمِ

    1. (O Allah’s Messenger! You were invited) so that you might succeed in reaching (which is) the most concealed from all eyes; and (you might succeed in attaining the) secrets (which are) well concealed.

    فَحُزْتَ كُــلَّ فَخَارٍ غَيْرَ مُشْـتَرَكٍ
    وَجُزْتَ كُــلَّ مَقَــامٍ غَيْرَ مُزْدَحَمِ

    1. So (Ya Rasoolallah) you got everything worthy of pride (which is not) rivaled; and you outshined every position which was not crowded (none of others could pass).

    وَجَـلَّ مِقْـدَارُ مَـا وُلِّيْتَ مِنْ رُّتَبٍ
    وَعَزَّ إِِدْرَاكُ مَــا أُوْلِيْتَ مِنْ نِّعَــمِ

    1. And (Ya Rasoolallah) you are bestowed extremely excellent ranks (status); and the bounties which (are) granted to you, are not understandable.

    بُشْـرٰى لَنَا مَعْشَـرَ الإِِسْـلامِ إِِنَّ لَنَا
    مِنَ الْعِنَايَـةِ رُكْنــاً غَيْرَ مُنْهَــدِمِ

    1. (O) People of Islam! Glad tidings be to (all of) us that we have (been bestowed) by the Grace (of Allah Almighty, such a) pillar (which) will never be destroyed.

    لَمَّـا دَعَى الله دَاعِيْنـَـا لِطَــاعَتِهِ
    بِـأَكْرَمِ الرُّسْلِ كُنَّـا أَكْـرَمَ الأُمَـمِ

    1. When Allah (Almighty) called (Muhammad A) who invited us to His worship (who is) the noblest of messengers, (so being noblest) we are the noblest of Ummats.
    2. Link:


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