Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Sayyid Moinuddin Hadi Gilani-Naqshbandi al-Hasani wal-Husseini RA (d.1674): 

by Shah Arafat Siddiqui Naqshbandi

After screening the facts from the recorded history, it appears to be authentic that Hazrat Khwaja Khawand Mahmood migrated from Kashghar, Bukhara to Gujrat in in the reign of Akbar.The author of Tuhfa Naqshbandya Kh. Abdur-Rahman Naqshbandi writes about his ancestor: Mahboob iIlahi Hazrat Khwaja Khawand Mahmood Naqshbandi entered this paradise in 1010 H in the reign of Akbar, by the route of Gujarat and in 1017H constructed ‘Khanqah Faiz Panah’ in Mohalla Sikandar Pora, now known as Khwaja Bazar and appointed his son Hazrat Kh. Moin-ud-Din as his successor for the propagation of Naqshbandi order and as caretaker of Naqshbandi Khanqah and that of the jagirs attached to it. Himself he settled in Lahore in the reign of Shah-i-Jahan (1037-1076), When Zafar Khan Ahsan was the Governor of Kashmir. He settled in Dar-us Saroor Lahore, wherehis other sons were residing. He got constructed a Jami Mosque and a Madrasa at Begum-Pora Lahore near Shalimar Garden there. He died there in 1052 H.Kh. Azam Dedmri writes in ‘Waqat-i-Kashmir’: In the Mohalla where his progeny resides, he got constructed a Khanqah for his disciples, where there was actually the house of the King of Kashmir Husain Shah and built a small mosque. When the Naqshbandi order progressed and the circle of disciples expanded, he intended to construct a vast Khanqah and it is said he was blessed in a dream by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (Sallahualiekawasalam ) and got shifted the Khanqah of Hazrat Mir Baba Uwaisi at Isham village and a small mosque was built in its place at Isham. Tarikh-i-Hasn states that Husain Shah Chak had established a vast garden near the ziarat of Hazrat Kh. Moin-ud-Din Naqshbandi and had passed a water channel (LachmaKhul) through it with installation of fountains and in the Mughal period Hazrat Khwaja Khawand Mahmood occupied it and constructed a Khanqah in it.The records of history reveal that Hazrat Khwaja MOIN-UD-DIN NAQSHBANDI [Rehmatulahialah] had entered Kashmir in 1010 H in the reign of Akbar, along with his father Hazrat Khwaja Khawand Mahmood [Rehmatulahialah] and his family but had to leave Kashmir along with his father and reside at Lahore on the royal orders and later on Kh. Moin-ud-Din returned to Kashmir for permanent settlement and to propagate Naqshbandi order and look after the affairs of Khankahs and the disciples. Besides propagation of Naqshbandi order, he performed the job of writing books and took care of Khankahs and after his death , when all his three sons had died in his very life-time, the affairs were managed by his pious wife named GUL BEGUM- ( the daughter of Awrangzeb’s sister wedded to Kh. Abdur-Rahim Dahbidi ). Besides his grandson Kh. Nizam-ud-Din was too young to take this huge responsibility.Histories are surprisingly silent about the details ofthe efforts made by Khawaja Moin-ud Din Naqshbandi in propagation of Naqshbandi order, his teaching of disciples in Khanqah, sermons and other engagements, but whatever details could be obtained are mentioned here-under: Hazrat Khwaja Moin-ud-Din Naqshbandi got educated and initiation under the famous Islamic Muhaddis Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi. He obtained knowledge of Hadis also from him. Initial education he had received from his father. After obtaining the certificate of Fiqh and Hadis from Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi, he got engaged in the religious engagements and when he shifted from Lahore to Kashmir for staying permanently and to promote Naqshbandi order as recorded in various histories of Kashmir- all the known Scholars, Fuqaha, Fuzala called on him and their association continued with him till the last day. Among these renowned scholars were Mulla Mohammad Tahir ( son of renowned Fazil, Faqih, Scholar Moulana Haidar Allama who too was the disciple of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlavi and a handwritten manuscript copy of Sheikh Muhaddis Dehlavi in five orders-(Qadirya, Shazilya, Madinya, Chistya and Naqshbandya) bestowed to Allama Haidar bin Feroz Kashmiri, is presrved in our library as our ancestor Sheikh Mohammad Moomin Shah Sayid Suhrawardi was a contemporary of Allama Haidar and a direct disciple of Allama Baba Dawood Khaki (Rehmatulahialah), Mulla Abul Fatah kaloo, Mulla Yousuf Muddarris, Mulla Abdul Gani, Sheikh Ahmad Mufti, Kh. Allama Haidar Charkhi (mentioned above) and other religious scholars. Religious discourses were held with these great scholars and guidance to the thirsty seekers of the way was also thus provided. It was after the intercourse with such scholars that Kh. Moin-ud-Din Naqshbandi produced the book FATAWA NAQSHBANDIYA Some of the disciples of Kh. Moin-ud-Din Naqshbandi [RADI ALLAH HU TALA ANHU] ]who are mentioned in various references are: Moulana Abdul Hakim son of Kh. Abdul Kareem Bandey Baldimiri, Akhoond Mulla Tayyib (Sayid), Mulla Abd-ur-Rahim Faffoo, Kh. Haidar Natnoo Allama–also disciple of Sheikh Muhaddis Delavi, Moulana Abul Fatah Kaloo -also disciple of Kh. Haidar Natnoo Allama (as stated above). The other scholars associated with the Naqshbandi Khanqah were: Mir Mohammad Ali Qari (d.1070 H), Mulla Husain Khubbaz (d.1189H)), Shah Mohammad Sadiq Qalandar (d 1093), HazratKh. Ahmad Yasvi Naqshbandi (d1114 H), Sheikh Abdur-Rahim Qadiri, MullaAbdur-RazakGojwari (1122H), MullaKazimChaoo (d 1120 H), Mulla Mohammad Abid Topigaroo (d. 1122 H) etc. The other authored by Kh. Moin-ud-Din Naqshbandi are mentioned in the history as: Fatawa Naqshbandiya, Kanzul Saadah, Miratul Qaloob, Sair-i- Khairul Bashar, Mirat-u-Tayibah, Risaldar Ahwal-i- Khwaja khawand Mahmood, Maqamat, Mashariqul Anwar, Risaladar-raddi-Mulahidah, Tafsir-i-Mushif Majeed and Risala Raddi Shahtiyat-i- Mulla Akhoond ShahKh. Moin-ud-Din Naqshbandi has connected his family tree upto Hazrat Qutb-ul-Irshad Kh. Ala-ud-Din Attar who was married to the daughter of HazratKh. Baha-ud-Din Naqshband ( RadiAllahhutalanhu   ). The chain is as: HazratKh. Khawand Mahmood s/o Hazrat Mir SayidShareef s/oKh Zia-ud-Din s/o MirMohammad Naqshbandi s/o Kh Taj-ud-Din s/o Kh. Ala-ud-Din s/o Kh Husain s/o Kh Ala-ud-Din Attar (RA)The chain of initiation is from HazratMoulana Mohammad QaziKhalifa of HazratKhUbaidullahAhrar detailed as: HazratKh. Khawand Mahmood- Khalifa of KhIshaq- Khalifa of his father MoulanaKhwajagiSayid Ahmad Kasani- Kh/o MoulanaLutfullahkh/o MakhdoomKhwajagi Ahmad Kasani- Kh/0 HazratMoulana Mohammad Qazi- Kh/o HazratQutb-ul-UrafaKhwajaUbaidullahAhrar (    Rehmatulahialah )With the efforts of his father the order of Naqshbandiya was revived in Kashmir after over 100 years. His disciples were spread in Kashmir and Lahore, among whom was Hafiz Khadim of Lahore – a famous person who was equipped with the exterior as well as the interior knowledge. Besides there were others whose names are inscribed on the wall of Khanqah Naqshbandya and about some of whom Kh. Moin-ud-Din mentions in Maqamat.When Hazrat Khwaja Moin-ud-Din reached the age of 70, signs of illness appeared on his body and he passed away on 29th Muharram 1085 H and was burried in the Khanqah-i-Faiz Panah. Since then every year on 29th Muharram falls his Urs day. The other Urs day of Hazrat Khwaja Baha-ud-Din Naqshband of Bukhara ( Radi Allahhu tala Anhu   ) – the founder of Naqshbandi order is celebrated on 3rd Rabi-ul-Awal every year.


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