Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology: Ramon Harvey -Tea Over Books- Cambridge Muslim College 10/1/21

Harvey’s 'Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology' shows incredible facility in the nuances of Islamic theology and philosophy and argues for the unique—and overlooked—contribution of al-Māturīdī and his later interpreters. By engaging with this original source material and bringing this tradition into dialogue with contemporary philosophy of religion, Harvey makes important contribution to Islamic Studies, philosophical theology, and the history of Islamic intellectual thought on reason, revelation, proofs of God’s existence, and the divine attributes. What is even more exciting is how Harvey draws on this rich legacy to argue for the revival of Islamic theology in the 21st Century.

YouTube Video:


Ramon Harvey revisits the Muslim theologian Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944) from Samarqand and puts his system, and that of the Māturīdī school, into lively dialogue with modern thought. Combining rigorous study of Arabic Māturīdī texts with insights from Husserl’s phenomenology and analytic theology, Harvey explores themes from epistemology and metaphysics to the nature of God and specific divine attributes (omniscience and wisdom, creative action, divine speech and the Qur’an). His systematic treatment of these topics shows that a contemporary Muslim philosophical theology, or kalām jadīd, can be true to the past, yet dynamic in the present, and can provide original and constructive answers to perennial theological questions.

Review: Maydan-Full Article-


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