"Noble Character of the Prophet (saws)"- NFIE International Mawlid un Nabi Conference Chicago- Justice Bahauddin Baha
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

Praise to Allah, who is One, and blessings upon our Prophet, after whom there will be
no other Prophet, and blessings upon whomever follows that guidance.
as-salāmu ʿalaikum wa raḥmat Allāhi wa barakātuhu.
Today I would like to extend the welcome of the Naqshbandiyya Foundation for Islamic Education to the religious scholars, respected Sufis, academic researchers, scholars of sharīʿa and lovers of ṭarīqa, brothers and sisters, who have gathered to celebrate the birthday of our Holy Prophet, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him.
On behalf of the organizers of this event I would like to thank you for coming from places near and far only out of love for the Holy Prophet and with an interest in celebrating his auspicious birthday in this blessed gathering. We believe that your participation in this assembly demonstrates your pure love and sincere affection for the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, and testifies to your commitment to the true Islamic way.
May Allah bestow on you blessings and reward for every step which you have taken towards participating in this event, and may He grant all of us success in being able to express our heartfelt feelings and burning love for the Seal of the Prophets.
The Milad day of the Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him, is one of the proudest days for the Islamic world. because this day was the beginning of the appearance of the light which God sent to shine for the eternal guidance and constant righteousness of His worshippers, and by means of this light the path of human ascent to the peaks of perfection and salvation from utter darkness was illuminated.
The glory of this day was no accident but the time was promised in the good tidings announced in the Quran,
"Then ʿIsa ibn Mariam said 'O Children of Israel, I am the Prophet of God sent to you, affirming what is in the Torah and bringing good news of a Prophet who will come after me whose name is Aḥmad.'" (61:6)
This informs us that Hazrat Isa, may peace be upon him, told the People of the Book about Muhammad and brought good tidings about the birth of the Seal of the Prophets, through Divine revelation six centuries before his birth. Therefore, those who were the true followers and sincere monotheists of the revealed religions waited for that day when in Mecca a child would come into the world who would be the Seal of the Prophets and the dominion of prophecy and the salvation of humanity.
The life of the Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him, gives us an clear example of the high perfections to which the human being can reach and a living example of the search for that One who should truly be worshipped out of all of the creation. Even from childhood he was destined for Prophecy. He was a extraordinary person and in youth he wandered in the deserts of the Hijaz contemplating the shining stars in search of his true purpose and trying to reach his True Beloved. The wave of burning love which was in his breast showed him that there was nothing in the world of creation which would fulfill this goal of love, but rather this Pure Being must be greater and higher than all things which he could see or think on his own.
as-salāmu ʿalaikum wa raḥmat Allāhi wa barakātuhu.
Today I would like to extend the welcome of the Naqshbandiyya Foundation for Islamic Education to the religious scholars, respected Sufis, academic researchers, scholars of sharīʿa and lovers of ṭarīqa, brothers and sisters, who have gathered to celebrate the birthday of our Holy Prophet, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him.
On behalf of the organizers of this event I would like to thank you for coming from places near and far only out of love for the Holy Prophet and with an interest in celebrating his auspicious birthday in this blessed gathering. We believe that your participation in this assembly demonstrates your pure love and sincere affection for the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, and testifies to your commitment to the true Islamic way.
May Allah bestow on you blessings and reward for every step which you have taken towards participating in this event, and may He grant all of us success in being able to express our heartfelt feelings and burning love for the Seal of the Prophets.
The Milad day of the Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him, is one of the proudest days for the Islamic world. because this day was the beginning of the appearance of the light which God sent to shine for the eternal guidance and constant righteousness of His worshippers, and by means of this light the path of human ascent to the peaks of perfection and salvation from utter darkness was illuminated.
The glory of this day was no accident but the time was promised in the good tidings announced in the Quran,
"Then ʿIsa ibn Mariam said 'O Children of Israel, I am the Prophet of God sent to you, affirming what is in the Torah and bringing good news of a Prophet who will come after me whose name is Aḥmad.'" (61:6)
This informs us that Hazrat Isa, may peace be upon him, told the People of the Book about Muhammad and brought good tidings about the birth of the Seal of the Prophets, through Divine revelation six centuries before his birth. Therefore, those who were the true followers and sincere monotheists of the revealed religions waited for that day when in Mecca a child would come into the world who would be the Seal of the Prophets and the dominion of prophecy and the salvation of humanity.
The life of the Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him, gives us an clear example of the high perfections to which the human being can reach and a living example of the search for that One who should truly be worshipped out of all of the creation. Even from childhood he was destined for Prophecy. He was a extraordinary person and in youth he wandered in the deserts of the Hijaz contemplating the shining stars in search of his true purpose and trying to reach his True Beloved. The wave of burning love which was in his breast showed him that there was nothing in the world of creation which would fulfill this goal of love, but rather this Pure Being must be greater and higher than all things which he could see or think on his own.
This same wave of love drew him to the top of Mount Hira where he spent long periods of
time in the solitary retreat of love and longing for union with the Beloved.
This was the time in which he had not yet received the outer mantle of Prophethood. He spent the first forty years of his life in this state of love and seeking for truth and certainty. After all of this investigation and sacrifice on the road of love he was victorious in his endeavor. What was the result of all of this? That he, himself, became the beloved of Allah and our Lord crowned him with prophecy and addressed him with the words:
"Innaka laʿala khuluqin ʿaẒīm".
"Indeed you are of a noble nature." (Qur'ān 68:4)
His blessed existence was a benefit to all of Creation so that God said, in the Noble Quran:
"We only sent you to be a mercy to the Worlds".(21:107)
This period of the first forty years of the Holy Prophet's life was actually the period of saintship (wilāyat), purification of the spirit, and attaining wisdom and higher insight. Although at that time he had not yet been commanded to enforce the sharīʿa or tell people the divine laws, and the religion had not yet been revealed to him, still he praised good actions and encouraged them. Every action which was evil or opposed to human dignity that he saw performed by powerful people had a very strong effect on him and thus he sought to deliver people from the impact of tyranny and corruption.
For example, according to a hadith, the Prophet said, "Help the Oppressed and the Oppressor." He was asked, "O Prophet, there is no objection to helping the oppressed, but how is it possible that we could help the oppressor." He replied, "By preventing him from carrying out tyranny and corruption, in reality you are helping him and saving him from destruction."
When God sent down the mission to the Prophet,
"Read in the name of Your Lord who created" (96:1)
and ordered him to bring the most perfect and illuminated path to the people of the world, this way was the pure religion of Islam, the eloquence and inimitability of the Qur'an, and his own behavior as the best example to guide the believers.
God announced that following the Prophet is the basis of attaining righteousness and reaching the goal. Hazrat Muhammad, may peace be upon him, proved by firm constancy and belief that power and achievement is not based on wealth, power, or force but rather that achievement comes from a pure spirit, strong faith, and a clean heart. This faith commands the person that they must be a servant only of God, not of the desires which lead a person from the right path. If you want to conquer the human heart the only way is through sincerity, trustworthiness, honesty, and love.
A poem from the great Sufi Khwāja ʿAbdullāh Anßarī, may Allah have mercy on him, says,
"If you fly in the air, you are like a fly,
This was the time in which he had not yet received the outer mantle of Prophethood. He spent the first forty years of his life in this state of love and seeking for truth and certainty. After all of this investigation and sacrifice on the road of love he was victorious in his endeavor. What was the result of all of this? That he, himself, became the beloved of Allah and our Lord crowned him with prophecy and addressed him with the words:
"Innaka laʿala khuluqin ʿaẒīm".
"Indeed you are of a noble nature." (Qur'ān 68:4)
His blessed existence was a benefit to all of Creation so that God said, in the Noble Quran:
"We only sent you to be a mercy to the Worlds".(21:107)
This period of the first forty years of the Holy Prophet's life was actually the period of saintship (wilāyat), purification of the spirit, and attaining wisdom and higher insight. Although at that time he had not yet been commanded to enforce the sharīʿa or tell people the divine laws, and the religion had not yet been revealed to him, still he praised good actions and encouraged them. Every action which was evil or opposed to human dignity that he saw performed by powerful people had a very strong effect on him and thus he sought to deliver people from the impact of tyranny and corruption.
For example, according to a hadith, the Prophet said, "Help the Oppressed and the Oppressor." He was asked, "O Prophet, there is no objection to helping the oppressed, but how is it possible that we could help the oppressor." He replied, "By preventing him from carrying out tyranny and corruption, in reality you are helping him and saving him from destruction."
When God sent down the mission to the Prophet,
"Read in the name of Your Lord who created" (96:1)
and ordered him to bring the most perfect and illuminated path to the people of the world, this way was the pure religion of Islam, the eloquence and inimitability of the Qur'an, and his own behavior as the best example to guide the believers.
God announced that following the Prophet is the basis of attaining righteousness and reaching the goal. Hazrat Muhammad, may peace be upon him, proved by firm constancy and belief that power and achievement is not based on wealth, power, or force but rather that achievement comes from a pure spirit, strong faith, and a clean heart. This faith commands the person that they must be a servant only of God, not of the desires which lead a person from the right path. If you want to conquer the human heart the only way is through sincerity, trustworthiness, honesty, and love.
A poem from the great Sufi Khwāja ʿAbdullāh Anßarī, may Allah have mercy on him, says,
"If you fly in the air, you are like a fly,
If you float on the water you are like a twig,
Capture a heart, then you will be somebody."
It is for this same reason that according to Islam the human being has two aspects; one
social, and one individual.
With respect to the social aspect, the person is commanded with a balance of virtues, rights, responsibilities, and assistance to others and himself. The rules of the acts of worship are social responsibilities. In general the assignments of the divine law arise from this social aspect. Sharīʿa is to know your responsibilities and rights in your society and community.
The individual aspect, which is based on wisdom in recognizing the reality of things, concerns contemplation, love, and longing. In this aspect the person sees a world which is veiled from the eyes of others.
His love motivates him to the inner journey, so that he can reach to his Beloved and on this road he travels the road of self-knowledge so that he can know his Lord. As in the hadith:
"The one who knows themself knows their Lord"
This relationship between the Lover and the Beloved and the Worshipper and the Worshipped is a special one. This journey and traveling which is inspired by love is the road of the spiritual journey (sulūk) and Islamic spirituality (ṭarīqa). This is the same sulūk which Muhammad, Prophet of God, may peace be upon him, followed before he received the mantle of prophecy, and he found his subsistence (baqā) through annihilation (fanā) in the love of the One who is to be Worshipped.
Afterwards, in the task of his mission of prophecy in the message which he brought to humanity, he called humans to the Unity of God. Thus, the Divine Law brought by Muhammad ordered humans to worship only God, to remain on the path of God, to obey the rules which God commanded, and to know their rights and duties; as well as to purify and refine the soul.
"Qad aflaḥa man zakahā."
"The one who purifies their soul prospers." (91:9)
In Islam both the sharʿīa and ṭarīqa invite to the road of the Unity of God, Tauḥīd, whose basis is love and pure worship of the One Sustainer. The way of reaching this Tauḥīd is the way of following Muhammad and the Love of Muhammad.
"Qul in kuntum tuḥibbūna Allāha fattabiʿūnī yuḥbibukum Allāh"
Say, "If you love Allah then follow me and Allah will love you." (3:31)
The basis of sharīʿa is understanding and holding firmly to the rules of God's book and the Sunna of the Prophet. The basis of ṭarīqa is realization and witnessing, so as to acquire a portion of the emanations of Muhammad's spiritual influence.
When a person has an understanding of the Sharīʿa and knowledge of the true spiritual way (sulūk), then the two work together. Strong spirituality manifests so that this individual possesses the capability to command good behavior and forbid evil. Then only is he entitled to the rank of being one of the best of the Muslim umma "khair ummat".
With respect to the social aspect, the person is commanded with a balance of virtues, rights, responsibilities, and assistance to others and himself. The rules of the acts of worship are social responsibilities. In general the assignments of the divine law arise from this social aspect. Sharīʿa is to know your responsibilities and rights in your society and community.
The individual aspect, which is based on wisdom in recognizing the reality of things, concerns contemplation, love, and longing. In this aspect the person sees a world which is veiled from the eyes of others.
His love motivates him to the inner journey, so that he can reach to his Beloved and on this road he travels the road of self-knowledge so that he can know his Lord. As in the hadith:
"The one who knows themself knows their Lord"
This relationship between the Lover and the Beloved and the Worshipper and the Worshipped is a special one. This journey and traveling which is inspired by love is the road of the spiritual journey (sulūk) and Islamic spirituality (ṭarīqa). This is the same sulūk which Muhammad, Prophet of God, may peace be upon him, followed before he received the mantle of prophecy, and he found his subsistence (baqā) through annihilation (fanā) in the love of the One who is to be Worshipped.
Afterwards, in the task of his mission of prophecy in the message which he brought to humanity, he called humans to the Unity of God. Thus, the Divine Law brought by Muhammad ordered humans to worship only God, to remain on the path of God, to obey the rules which God commanded, and to know their rights and duties; as well as to purify and refine the soul.
"Qad aflaḥa man zakahā."
"The one who purifies their soul prospers." (91:9)
In Islam both the sharʿīa and ṭarīqa invite to the road of the Unity of God, Tauḥīd, whose basis is love and pure worship of the One Sustainer. The way of reaching this Tauḥīd is the way of following Muhammad and the Love of Muhammad.
"Qul in kuntum tuḥibbūna Allāha fattabiʿūnī yuḥbibukum Allāh"
Say, "If you love Allah then follow me and Allah will love you." (3:31)
The basis of sharīʿa is understanding and holding firmly to the rules of God's book and the Sunna of the Prophet. The basis of ṭarīqa is realization and witnessing, so as to acquire a portion of the emanations of Muhammad's spiritual influence.
When a person has an understanding of the Sharīʿa and knowledge of the true spiritual way (sulūk), then the two work together. Strong spirituality manifests so that this individual possesses the capability to command good behavior and forbid evil. Then only is he entitled to the rank of being one of the best of the Muslim umma "khair ummat".
Today we are present at the happy occasion of the Birthday of our Holy Prophet, in
honor of that messanger who was so great that Allah called him, "A Mercy to the Worlds". The
mercy of God is a blessing of God, the blessing of God deserves gratitude and thankfulness.
"Shukr-e-ni'mat--dhikr-e-niʿmat ast."
Thanking God for His blessing is done by mentioning His blessings: "Wa amma bi niʿmat-i-rabbika fa ḥaddith."
"So mention the blessings of your Lord." (93:11)
Since the birthday of the Holy Prophet marks the beginning of the blessing of his coming into earthly existence, therefore the celebration of the Milad is done in order to thank God for this great blessing. We celebrate the Milad at this special time in order to express our love for the Prophet of God, may peace and blessings be upon him, and we all know that the love of the Prophet is a religious duty.
As in the Hadith:
"lā yuminu aḥadukum ḥattā akuna aḥabba ilaihi min waladihi wa wālidihi wa n-nās
"No one of you believes until I am more dear to him than his children and his father and all of the people."
The celebration of the Milad on the part of those who are enthusiastic lovers of the path of Muhammad, marks the renewal of the Umma's commitment to the Prophet. This commitment is based on the station that God bestowed on the community of Muhammad, and the Prophet, may peace be upon him, is expecting this community to fulfill this great station of being the best community called out from among humanity.
"Kuntum khairu ummatin ukhrijat li-nāsi--ta'murūna bi-l-maʿrūf wa tanhauna ʿan al-munkar wa tu'minūna bi-l-allāh".
"You are the best community called out from among humanity--to command the good and forbid evil and believe in Allah." (3:110)
On this road that we have chosen, we must not be weak or feeble. This road has as an end result victory, prosperity in the Path of Allah and the pleasure of Allah and His Prophet. We should be prepared with strong faith so that we can reach the highest goal.
lā tahinu, wa lā taḥzanu, wa antum al-aʿlauna in kuntum mu'minīn."
"Do not despair or grieve, for you will be the high ones if you are believers." (3:139)
Thanking God for His blessing is done by mentioning His blessings: "Wa amma bi niʿmat-i-rabbika fa ḥaddith."
"So mention the blessings of your Lord." (93:11)
Since the birthday of the Holy Prophet marks the beginning of the blessing of his coming into earthly existence, therefore the celebration of the Milad is done in order to thank God for this great blessing. We celebrate the Milad at this special time in order to express our love for the Prophet of God, may peace and blessings be upon him, and we all know that the love of the Prophet is a religious duty.
As in the Hadith:
"lā yuminu aḥadukum ḥattā akuna aḥabba ilaihi min waladihi wa wālidihi wa n-nās
"No one of you believes until I am more dear to him than his children and his father and all of the people."
The celebration of the Milad on the part of those who are enthusiastic lovers of the path of Muhammad, marks the renewal of the Umma's commitment to the Prophet. This commitment is based on the station that God bestowed on the community of Muhammad, and the Prophet, may peace be upon him, is expecting this community to fulfill this great station of being the best community called out from among humanity.
"Kuntum khairu ummatin ukhrijat li-nāsi--ta'murūna bi-l-maʿrūf wa tanhauna ʿan al-munkar wa tu'minūna bi-l-allāh".
"You are the best community called out from among humanity--to command the good and forbid evil and believe in Allah." (3:110)
On this road that we have chosen, we must not be weak or feeble. This road has as an end result victory, prosperity in the Path of Allah and the pleasure of Allah and His Prophet. We should be prepared with strong faith so that we can reach the highest goal.
lā tahinu, wa lā taḥzanu, wa antum al-aʿlauna in kuntum mu'minīn."
"Do not despair or grieve, for you will be the high ones if you are believers." (3:139)
Translated from Persian to English by Dr.Marcia Hermansen, Professor & Director of Islamic World Studies,Loyola University,Chicago International Mawlid un Nabi saws Conference Chicago - Video in Farsi 1/6
Translation Dr.Marcia Hermansen
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