Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Friday, January 19, 2024

Reenvisioning Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam : Qamar ul-Huda


Reenvisioning Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam examines the variety of strategic peacebuilding and conflict resolution activities conducted by Muslim practitioners and nongovernmental organizations in Muslim-majority communities.

Qamar-ul Huda explores ways that Muslim scholars, civil society members, and communities interpret violence and nonviolence, peacebuilding, and conflict resolution in an interconnected globalized age, focusing on methods, practices, and strategies. He shows how a faith-based commitment can empower effective social, political, and intellectual action that results in meaningful change.

The book sheds light on a variety of vital topics, including how the state utilizes hard and soft power in global, religious diplomacy; ways in which civil society organizations and NGOs maximize networks to engage in peacebuilding and conflict resolution; the role of civil society in soft power politics; and how some peacebuilding organizations are out of step with local Muslim cultures & religious customs, and why that matters. Qamar-ul Huda charts a vision of contemporary ethics of peacebuilding, pluralism, reconciliation, and dialogue.


AmazonReenvisioning Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam: Reenvisioning Approaches within a Global Framework 


“This book does what many books in the field of peacebuilding fear to do: it acknowledges religion’s vital role in peace and conflict and legitimizes religious peacebuilding with research and analysis. Qamar-ul Huda provides a resource to the broader community, from peacebuilders to policymakers, that will transform their work to become more inclusive, expanding the peacebuilding toolkit.”

-- Paul Turner, president, The Peace Fund

“Qamar-ul Huda’s insightful work provides a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of Islamic peacebuilding principles and practices in the modern world. The book outlines a practical vision for fostering inner and communal peace amidst global conflict, highlighting real-world applications of peace education and conflict resolution strategies. This book is essential reading for both scholars and practitioners.”

-- Tahir Abbas, professor, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

“Qamar-ul Huda’s work is a must-read for the international affairs and donor community. There is often a mismatch between peacebuilding and conflict resolution educational endeavors and the reality on the ground in Muslim-majority societies. This engaging and astute analysis unpacks this conundrum and provides an alternate conceptual and practical framework."

-- Peter Weinberger, senior advisor, World Learning Institute

“This is a significant contribution to peace and methods of conflict resolution as recorded in the classical sources of Islam. Huda’s work explores the relevance of these Islamic methods and approaches to peacebuilding in contemporary circumstances where there are many misperceptions. This work is a bold vision to help readers understand peacebuilding from the perspectives of Islam.”

-- Muhammad zia Rehman, President of International Islamic Research University, Pakistan

“Huda, a master of the art of peace and diplomacy, skillfully blends scholarship, passion, and practicality to offer fresh perspectives on conflict resolution and peacebuilding, as demonstrated in this timely and captivating book."

-- Flamur Vehapi, author, The Alchemy of Mind and Kosovo: A Short History

About the Author

Qamar-ul Huda is the Michael E. Paul Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Affairs at the United States Naval Academy. He has previously served as Senior Policy Advisor for U.S. Department of State Secretary's Office for Religion and Global Affairs (S/RGA) where he focused on civil society, religious communities, and diplomacy with non-government organizations.



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