Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

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Monday, May 13, 2024

"Talking with Teachers" Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali interviews Shaykh Hasan Spiker - Lamppost Education Initiative - May13, 2024

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Join us for an enlightening episode of the Talking With Teachers Podcast as we delve into the fascinating realm of metaphysics with esteemed guest Shaykh Hasan Spiker. Gain profound insights into Shaykh Hasan's background and his exploration of the Western philosophical tradition's interpretation of metaphysics, featuring prominent thinkers such as Aristotle and Kant. Discover the rich legacy of Islamic intellectual tradition through the lens of the great Ottoman scholar and teacher, Mulla Funari, as Shaykh Hasan sheds light on his invaluable contributions. Dive deep into the essence of metaphysics and expand your intellectual horizons with this captivating discussion. Please support the Lamppost Education Inititiave. Your donations help Lamppost provide high quality content for English speaking Muslims all over the world. Visit us at: to contribute and aid Islamic education from qualified Muslim scholars. Please subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below! For our online courses, go to: Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and share our Islamic content with your family and friends.

Shaykh Hasan Spiker's Biography:Hasan Spiker is a philosopher and comparative scholar of Islamic, Greek, and modern thought. Spiker spent twelve years studying the Islamic sciences in the Middle East, primarily under the tutelage of the Iraqi sage and theologian al-Sayyid Quṣayy Abū al-Siʿd. Upon his return to the United Kingdom, Spiker entered the University of Cambridge where he completed his MPhil, and is currently carrying out his doctoral research, in philosophy. From 2014-2022 Spiker was a researcher on Tabah Foundation’s ‘Classification of the Sciences’ project, widely lauded as one of the most significant contemporary attempts to renew the epistemological and metaphysical foundations of traditional Islamic philosophical thought. His main areas of study in Islamic thought are i) the intersection of ʿilm al-kalām (Muslim theology), Avicennan philosophy, and ʿilm al-taḥqīq (experiential metaphysics), as well as ii) the metaphysical foundations of ethics; in Greek thought, the Neoplatonic critique of Aristotelian immanentism; and in modern thought, the philosophy of Kant, the metaphysics of freedom, and the possibility of metaphysics. He joined Zaytuna College as a lecturer in philosophy and logic in 2022, and as of 2023, serves as a faculty member at Usul Academy. Hasan Spiker's Posts about his teacher " The Allama & Mutakallim, al-Sayyid Qusayy Abu al-Si'd al-Rifa'i al-Husayni: You will call me biased, but I have never met a Sufi or an Alim who comes within a country mile of this man. A poem by Shaykh Dhakir al-Hanafi in praise of my beloved Murshid,the great Allama: ابنُ الكرامِ، أخُو المكارمِ والتقى *ابنُ الرّفاعيْ وابنُ حيدرةَ الوَصِيْ

ذاك المفدَّى والمُقدَّمُ في العلى * السيدُ الجَحْجَاحُ والمَولَى قُصَيْ
حبرٌ جَليلٌ شَامِخٌ يُنْمَى إلى* آلِ (أبو السِّعْدِ) الوليِّ المُخْلَصِ
وَرِثَ المَفاخِرَ كابرًا عن كابرٍ * فشُؤونُ مجدِ علاهُمُ لا تَنحصِي
لِمْ لا وَجَدُّهمُ العظيمُ مُحَمَّدٌ * ذاكَ الذي وَطِئَ السّماءَ بأَخْمَصِ
فالزمْ حِماهُ يا صُويحِبُ إنّها*من نائباتِ الدهرِ خيرُ مُخلِّصِ
واظفَرْ بِمَنهجِه السَّوِيِّ ولا تَحِدْ *واسْتَعصِمَنَّ بِحبلِهِ ولْتَحرِصِ
مولايَ زِدْهُ منَ العطاءِ تكرّمًا*عَمِّمْ له الخيراتِ رَبّيَ واخْصُصِ
واحفظْه معْ نَجلَيهِ مِن باغٍ ومِن * ذي خِدعةٍ وغوايةٍ مُتَرَبِّصِ

Mulla Shams ad-Din Muhammad ibn Hamzah al-Fanari (Arabic: محمد بن حمزة الفناري, Turkish: Molla Şemseddin Mehmed Fenari), 1350–1431, known in short as Molla Fenari was an Ottoman logician, Islamic theologian, Islamic legal scholar, and mystical philosopher of the school of Ibn ʿArabī. Source: Wikipedia
Mulla Fanari & the Misbah al-Uns: The Commentator & the Perfect Man PDF - Alan Godlas
Ayn Al-A'yn: The First Prominent Quranic Commentary in Ottoman History : Halim Calis

Hasan Spiker's Books: * Things as They are: Nafs al-Amr and the Metaphysical Foundations of the Objective Truth - Amazom:


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