Noble Character of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) - Akhlaq e Nabwi - NFIE Mawlid 1997

Praise be to Allah, who is unique in grandeur, alone in creating all things, His antiquity is beyond the determination of a beginning, His permanence is too sacred for decline or extinction, and its coming to an end can never be imagined. The minds of the wise drown in the oceans of His omniscience, and the knowledge of the scholars shines when describing his self sufficiency.
May blessings be upon Muhammad, His servant and His Prophet, the chief of the Messengers, the leader of the God-conscious ones, the intercessor for the community on the day of judgement, the best of those who were made to ascend to the heavens and the place of great dignity, the chosen one, and may blessings be upon whoever follows that guidance.
One thousand times I swore that I would keep the secret of love
It is difficult not to burn when one is in the fire
I was conscious/sober at first since I had not given my heart to anyone
Ones I saw your qualities, neither reason nor consciousness remained.
Respected scholars, masters of Sufism, sisters and brothers, believers, Muslims, may peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allāh and his blessings
We are gathered here today to celebrate the auspicious birth of the Master of the two worlds, the Prophet of God, Muhammad Mustafa, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family. We take pride in being from his community, following the religion of human dignity, and being among those who have received the light-bestowing teachings of the Quran.
I greet you with my heart brimming with sincere welcome for you who deeply love the beautiful presence and wonderful features of Muhammad (s) and who are the sincere followers of the religion of Muhammad (s).You who meet in this magnificent gathering, held to commemorate the auspicious birth of the Holy Prophet, are the people of heaven and the sincere lovers of the Quran. In this hall filled with purity and love, we are gathered again to share this occasion, just as in previous years.
On behalf of the Naqshbandiyya Foundation for Islamic Education, I give a heartfelt greeting and welcome to all of those who have come to this assembly and made efforts for the success of the program.
I believe your participation is a demonstration of your love for the Holy Prophet(S) and your enthusiasm for emulating the beautiful example, of the chosen one of Allah, the highest model for humanity in the world. God willing, for every step you have taken on the way here, you will find goodness and blessings as a reward and recompense from Allah.
Today, the 26 of July 1997, corresponds to the 22 of Rabi al-Awwal, 1418. Tuesday morning on the 12 of Rabi al-Awwal, corresponding to the 22 of April, 571 Miladi, the world become illuminated by the light of existence and the good tidings of the birth of Hadrat Muhammad(S)
Since that day until this time, in the 1461 lunar years and 1426 solar years which have passed, comprising more than 14 and a half centuries, during which the exalted name of Muhammad(S) has remained on every tongue, without any interruption. Whether before his attaining to the station of Prophethood or after his being honored with the mantle of Prophethood, the lofty station of the Messenger(S) has remained firmly planted in the hearts and minds of his followers.
His sacred religion, shining with the light of the rays of the world-illuminating Quran, has spread out over the face of the earth, and no other law until today has ever been able to compete or compare to the heavenly path of Islam, because Islam is the religion of truth and morality, and the religion which develops human potential.
It was part of the divine will that this prophetic message would be the last religion and the most perfect one. He entrusted it to a Prophet(S) who was in a state of illiteracy, and whose eloquent exposition, following of the spiritual path and the way of deeper wisdom, firmness of faith, and truth of actions, all bear testimony to his worthiness of Prophethood, as do his exalted character and the miracle of the Holy Qur'an..Before the mission of Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah (S), all the heavenly religions, and also all of the laws and codes developed by humans had proliferated so that every group were attached to a religion and bound to a code. Although there was some general acceptance of the heavenly religions at that time, still according to its own followers, every religion was respected and reasonable and even every false code was accepted by the hearts and minds of its followers.
Islam was the most recent religion which had come into existence and announced it own appearance. With unimaginable determination it abrogated all defective and false religions codes and laws, past and current, in favor of the divine unity and the message of Muhammad and overthrew the banners and stone and ivory idols they had worshipped. It removed the basis of tyranny which was conceit, arrogance and the domination of leaders by force and wealth. It established human equality as a primary principle and brought the eternal law of Allah to that materialistic society
How was this new religion able in the shortest period and with astonishing rapidity, despite all difficulties, to prevail and then spread outside of the Arabian peninsula and all over the face of the earth?
The learned scholars of Islam have already completely covered this topic, still we can say that the masters of knowledge and insight and the researchers of high attainment agree on the importance of the revolutionary teachings of Islam and the primary role of the leadership of the pride of humanity, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S), in achieving this unprecedented acceptance.God willing, we will hear more on this topic today. However, in the short time remaining, I wish to speak very briefly, focusing on the theme of the great character of Muhammad (S).
His brilliant personality, trustworthiness, and honesty, his eloquent and persuasive speech, his iron will and constancy leave nothing lacking in the beautiful character of Muḥammad. Like Zamzam water, he brought the miraculous and holy divine Quran to the thirsting hearts of the Arabs who had been dried out by their hunger for status and money. Although he had no high social position, he was able to reach their hearts despite the oppression of their leaders, and despite their power, force, and pride because of the purity and sweetness which the Holy Book was brimming.He proclaimed, for the first time, the beauty of the sacred verses of the Quran and the new religion. The deeds of the great exemplar of Islam, establish and speak which were a command of freedom and self-determination for humans for all humanity toward the divine guidance
Other than guidance, divine inspiration, eloquent speech and firm and consistent virtue, the Prophet used no other force, arms, or violent means to draw people to Islam. Out of their familiarity with the noble character of Muhammad (S), they realized that he was not a deceiver or liar, and that what he presented was the truth which they must accept and obey.
Even those whose hearts had become so darkened by pride and lust for power that they could not accept from a person beneath them that they obstinately rejected the truth and remained in polytheism insisting on falsehood
Still at no time did they have the force to deny the high character of the Prophet, his honesty and high virtues. So that at the same time by various tricks and proposals they attempted to deal with the Prophet. The great worshippers of falsehood among the Arabs were ready to give Muhammad rule over all nations and the leadership of the Quraysh tribe, material wealth, the choice of the most beautiful women, whichever worldly pleasure and powers he desired, but they would only accept a Prophet who went along with their rules and customs and who would not combat or end their false practices.Hazrat Muhammad, in answer to such people, said, "I have only been sent by God as a Messenger so that what He reveals will be revealed to you, and so that you will come to know the divine guidance and human fulfillment." I didn't come to become a chief with power to possess he gold, land and women of the Arabs."
Then the pagan Arabs of Quraysh made a proposal to him, "The condition for us accepting your religion and your God is that you incorporate some elements of our beliefs and support them. This time, the Prophet Muhammad (S) replied with the eloquent and explicit Divine speech which declared, "Say (O Muhammad say), O disbelievers, I will never practice associationism with those idols which you worship as Gods and you will never worship the one God whom I worship. I will never worship your false Gods and you will never worship my one God. So you keep your polytheistic and false religion and I shall worship the religion of truth" Sūra Kāfirūn.
He vowed, "Still, until the day when you abandon shirk and come to the way of the unity of God and the worship of God, I will try to guide you.
The Holy Prophet, through enduring the pain of his orphan childhood, deprived of the affection of both mother and father, understood from the time of his youth the need of a person for this first source of spiritual and emotional support, and for love and affection. He instinctively realized the truth of that essence which humans take on with existence, and that the sole and best source of reliance is Allāh, with whom refuge should be taken and who loves His creation. Therefore, the path and character of Muhammad was love and affection, love and affection for the Creator and for the One who should truly be worshipped, whom every person should inevitably praise and love, together with the affection which everyone should hold for the human being who is the masterpiece of God's attributes and the khalifa of Allah on this earth.
The pagan Arabs were in the clutches of tribalism, the actions of force and tyranny and seizing the wealth of the weak by force who then remained without any rights of any sort. For Muhammad (S), this provoked grief and regret so that he realized the necessity of establishing a code and law in order to establish equality and respect for human rights, and so that all of the activities of a person would be protected.Therefore at the age of twenty-one or slightly more than this, according to historical reports, he formed a group of young men known as "the allies of virtue" to protect the rights of the oppressed and keep them from being overlooked. This organization, in order to protect its integrity, sought no type of payments or wages from the oppressed.
Let me recount one example related by a Roman historian and religious scholar, Georgius, and an Arab historian . They report that an Arab from the South came to Mecca to perform the Hajj and by chance had his young daughter with him.
In Mecca a merchant kidnapped the daughter and the father had no means to oppose and fight against that merchant and was completely helpless since no one was ready to listen to his problem and the injustice done to him. Then Muhammad (S) was made aware of that event, asked the young men of the Quraysh who agreed that no such injustice should occur in Mecca. The Holy Prophet called out "Labbaik" and the young men assembled beside the Kaaba and vowed they would protect the oppressed to the fullest extent possible. They joined with the Prophet and then they went to the house of that merchant and demanded that he should return the girl unharmed to her father, thus forcing the merchant to do so.
After that event, any time in which someone was oppressed in Mecca he went to the army of the Allies of Virtue for support and they would help him.
After he became a Prophet, Muhammad (S)recalled the happiness and honor he felt in participating in this group and said he would not have exchanged that for a hundred red camels. This was the biggest initiative of Muhammad (S)at this early time and it had a revolutionary effect on restoring the rights of the oppressed.
The lofty conduct and character of Muhammad (S) before he was called to his prophetic mission was known to all the members of the Quraysh in terms of his being a person worthy of respect, dependable, and trustworthy, at the same time he never harmed anyone by word or deed, materially or emotionally. Through magnanimity of soul and purification of the self and spirit he was so successful and dedicated that he never was compelled to support falsehood or corruption. By means of inborn understanding he realized that power and capability was really limited to the One divine being, who has no partner or companion, and that worship should only be directed to the direction of His glory.For this reason he never bowed his head in worship and submission before any stone or man-made idol and when he received the mantle of Prophethood this same lofty character, good example and beautiful personality supported his mission so that some of the most noble men and women among the Arabs from the beginning affirmed the prophecy of Muhammad and believed in his heavenly message without any type of pressure and compulsion.
The greatest support in spreading the religion, day after day and convincing them of the eternal message of the heavenly book were the character, behavior, and speech of Muhammad(S). through which those who followed him found guidance and supported him with their very lives and gave their lives and property to protect him.We see that the basis and foundation of Islamic teachings is the person knowing themself, since one must understand one's own position and personality. The Qur'ān; "We will show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this ˹Quran˺ is the truth".There is also a hadith qudsˆ, "Whoever knows himself (or herself) knows his Lord"
This same deep self-knowledge was possessed by the Holy Prophet even before his being sent with the mission. He was the full and complete possessor of noble virtues and after his being honored by the message of Allah, the Holy Quran ? virtues and the spiritual path and gnosis and so that Allah said,
"Nor does he speak of his own desire but this is an inspiration that is inspired" 53:4
Which means that at no time did Muhammad (S)ever speak, out of the desires of his ego and his speech was never except by the inspiration of Allah.
Since the divine Quran is the most complete divine book ever sent to humanity, therefore the virtues of Muhammad are the most perfect which Allah, by His sacred will, ever bestowed as a blessing. From this aspect Allah $ said in the Quran, "Indeed you are created with a noble character." 68:4 The noble character of the Prophet (S)was such that in inviting to Islam he never established Islam as a religion of compulsion, because this religion is a mercy from Allah. Thus the person by means of whom this religion is brought should also be called "the mercy of Allah" and indeed the verse "We only sent you as a Mercy to the Worlds" was revealed in the Qur'ān.
Thus this Divine Mercy bestowed the call to Islam as a request and an invitation, not something which must being endured, by compulsion, and force.
The Islamic religion is a religion of invitation, and the character of the inviter is the key to invitation, therefore the virtue, eloquent expression, and pleasing behavior which the Prophet possessed were for the purpose of drawing people to the religion of Allah and for their own flourishing, on this basis the Quran said, "O Prophet, "The divine mercy has made you be kind to them and if you had been stern and hard-hearted they would have dispersed from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult with them abut the conduct of affairs. When you are resolved, Rely upon Allah Allah loves those who trust in Him." Quran 3:159.
Kharija ibn Zayd said, "The Holy Prophet (S) used to sit with the most dignified people, while they were sitting so many were gathered that you couldn't see the people who were furthest away. He kept very quiet, he didn't speak unnecessarily and his laughter was a smile, his speech was illuminating, brief, and to the point, with no excessiveness nor short comings. The Companions of the Prophet who were in his gathering imitated him out of good manners and respect and at the time of laughter they would smile politely.
His noble character and exemplary behavior are surely confirmed in the Holy Quran, and all of us, Muslim brothers and sisters, agree that the message of Prophet Muhammad(S) is never suspended or confined to a certain time but rather is the same way that the Almighty Creator in the wise book called him, Muhammad, Prophet of Allāh. The message of Prophet Muhammad(S) will remain as long as the world endures and in the next world he alone will be the leader of all the Prophets and Messengers.Since inspiration and guidance reached its perfection in the Quran and the religion became completed under the leadership of Muhammad, therefore this clear book, the Noble Quran which without any alteration or distortion will be preserved by the Creator. As long as humans are present there will be bearers of the message of Muhammad on the earth and the door to inviting to Islam will remain open, the call to victory and prosperity and the call for divine unity in worshipping the essence of Almighty God will remain in force. One evidence for this is the expansion of Islam all over the earth that occurred after the death of the Holy Prophet(S).
There is no doubt that Islam will always be faced with enemies who are strong, cruel and powerful, however, during that time when the effects of imitating the exemplary conduct and character of the Prophet on the behavior and manners of his followers and the Muslim community were observed Islam preserved its glory and no humiliation or failure occurred. Unfortunately, in our century, more than at any other time, humiliation and failure, hypocrisy and discord, disagreement and dependency have come to characterize the Muslims. The cause for this is very evident. because the Muslims no longer follow the behavior and conduct of true Islam, the incomparable wisdom, spiritual knowledge, and culture of the Messenger of Allāh which was the greatest shining light for being guided and finding the right way has been abandoned and in holding to the religion excesses in ways which the pious ancestors never did.
On the other hand, today many Muslims have fallen so deeply into narrow mindedness and fanaticism that they are out of accord with the dignity of Islam and the high spirituality of the divine decrees and they carelessly, harshly, and very superficially stress the externals and don't consider the Islamic teachings about developing human character.
Finally, celebrating the occasion of the Prophet's birth is done in gratitude for the blessing and mercy of Allah. If we do not utilize and benefit from the pleasures of this blessing which the Prophet (s) brought and do not take the path of the ease in the protection of the mercy of Allah, all of our deeds and sayings are purely external show and self-deception which should be abandoned, since these are accompanied by prejudice, narrow-mindedness, and petrification which remove the beautiful aspects from Islam and bringing the calamity of ignorance, and rejecting useful knowledge which becomes a tool for destroying the religion, and we take refuge with Allah from that by relying on the absolute proof of the Quran and by imitating the exalted virtues of the Prophet(S).
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad(S) the chief of the messengers and the leader of and the seal of prophecy, your servant and your Prophet(S), the leader and guide to the good, the Prophet of Mercy. Oh Allah, give him the highest station at the first and the last. Oh Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad(S) and the family of Muhammad (S)as you blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham, indeed you are the One worthy of greatest praise.
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