Lessons of Naqshbandi Mujaddadi Tariqa Part 2: Muraqbah - Mohammad Mojaddadi
درس نقشبندى مجددى طريقت
Lessons of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Tariqah
Part 2: Murāqibah
Lesson 10: Murāqibah Ahadiyyat (meditation of oneness)
Intention: Faid is (emanation) coming to my Qalb from the Being that is comprehensive of all Attributes and Perfections, and is free from all defects and deficiencies, and is named by the holy name “Allāh”.
Lesson 11: Murāqibah Latīfā Qalb (meditation of the Heart subtlety)
Intention: Ya Allah! The Faid (emanation) of the Action-Theophanies [tajalliyāt-i af'āliyā] that you have manifested from Latīfā Qalb (the heart subtlety) of Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allāhu alaihi wa sallam) on the Qalb of the prophet Ādam (alaih is-salām), manifest that (Fayz) to my Qalb also by the sanctity of my grand masters.
Lesson 12: Murāqibah Latīfā Rūh (meditation of the Soul subtlety)
Intention: Ya Allah! the Faid (emanation) of the Theophanies of Subsistent Attributes [tajalliyāt-i sifāt-i thubūtiyā] that you have manifested from the Latīfā Rūh (the Soul subtlety) of Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allāhu alaihi wa sallam) on the Rūh (soul) of Prophet Nūh and Prophet Ibrāhīm (alaihim as-salām), manifest that (Fayz) to my Rūh also by the sanctity of my grand masters.
Lesson 13: Murāqibah Latīfā Sirr (meditation of the Secret subtlety)
Intention: Ya Allah! the Faid (emanation) of the Theophanies of the Essential Splendours [tajalliyāt-i shuyūn-i zātiya] that you have manifested from the Latīfā Sirr (the Secret subtlety) of Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allāhu alaihi wa sallam) on the Sirr (secret) of Prophet Mūsā (alaih is-salām), manifest that (Fayz) to my Sirr also by the sanctity of my grand masters.
Lesson 14: Murāqibah Latīfā Khafī (meditation of the Hidden subtlety)
Intention: Ya Allah! the Faid (emanation) of the Theophanies of the Privative Attributes [tajalliyāt-i sifāt-i salbiya] that you have manifested from the Latīfā Khafī (the Hidden subtlety) of Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allāhu alaihi wa sallam) on the Latīfā Khafī of Prophet Īsā (alaih is-salām), manifest that (Fayz) to my Latīfā Khafī also by the sanctity of my grand masters.
Lesson 15: Murāqibah Latīfā Akhfā (meditation of the Hidden-Most subtlety)
Intention: Ya Allah! the Faid (emanation) of the Theophanies of the Comprehensive Splendour [tajalliyāt-i shān-i jāmi'a] that you have manifested on the Latīfā Akhfā (the Hidden-most subtlety) of Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allāhu alaihi wa sallam), manifest that (Fayz) to my Latīfā Akhfā, by the sanctity of my grand masters.
Part 3: Wilāyat Sughrā (the smaller sainthood)
Lesson 16: Murāqibah Ma’iyyat (meditation of co-presence)
Meditation on the meaning of the āyah: “He is with you, wherever you are”. [Al-Hadeed, 4]
و هو معکم اين ما کنتم (سورة الحديد، 4)
Part 4: Wilāyat Kubrā (the greater sainthood)
Lesson 17: Dāerā Oolā (the first circle)
Meditation on the meaning of the āyah: “And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein”. [Qāf, 16]
و نحن اقرب اليه من حبل الوريد (ق، 16)
Lesson 18: Dāerā Sāniyā (the second circle)
Meditation on the meaning of the āyah: “He loves them and they love him”. [Al-Māidā, 54]
يحبهم و يحبونه (المائده 54)
Lesson 19: Dāerā Sālisā (the third circle)
Meditation on the meaning of the above āyah with a different intention.
Lesson 20: Qaos (the arc)
Meditation on the meaning of the above āyah with a different intention.
Part 5
Lesson 21: Murāqibah of the Name az-Zāhir (the apparent)
Intention: The Faid is coming to my Nafs (carnal-soul) and also on the five Latāif of Ālam al-Amr (subtleties of the Command-World, i.e., Qalb, Rūh, Sirr, Khafī and Akhfā) from the Being who is named by the Name Az-Zāhir (the apparent).
Lesson 22: Murāqibah of the Name al-Bātin (the innermost)
Intention: The Faid is arriving on the three elements of my body, air, water and fire, from the Being who is named by the Name al-Bātin (the innermost). The source of the Fayz is the Circle of Higher-Sainthood (dā’irā-i wilāyat-i ulyā), which is the sainthood of the Higher-Order angels.
Lesson 23: Murāqibah Kamālāt-e Nabuwwat (meditation of the perfections of Prophethood)
Lesson 24: Murāqibah Kamālāt-e Risālat (meditation of the perfections of Messengerhood)
Lesson 25: Murāqibah Kamālāt Ulul-Azm (meditation of the perfections of the Ulu al-Azm)
Lesson 26: Murāqibah Haqīqat Ka’bah (meditation of the reality of Ka’ba)
Lesson 27: Murāqibah Haqīqat Qur’ān (meditation of the reality of Quran)
Lesson 28: Murāqibah Haqīqat Salāh (meditation of the reality of Salah)
Lesson 29: Murāqibah Ma’būdiyyat Sarfā
Lesson 30: Murāqibah Haqīqat Ibrāhīmī (meditation of the Abrahamic reality)
Lesson 31: Murāqibah Haqīqat Mūsavī (meditation of the Mosaic reality)
Lesson 32: Murāqibah Haqīqat Muhammadī (meditation of the Muhammadan reality)
Lesson 33: Murāqibah Haqīqat Ahmadī (meditation of the Ahmadan reality)
Lesson 34: Murāqibah Hubb-e Sarf (meditation of the pure love)
Hubb-i Sarf means the Pure Love. This is the actual Muhammadan Reality; the one mentioned earlier was a shadow of this.
Intention: Faid is coming from the Being [Dhāt] who is the source of Pure Love on my Singular Form (all the ten Latāif).
This stage is very close to the Absolute Being and the Non-Determination, because the very first manifestation was Love that is the origin of all manifestations and the source of creation.
This stage is specific to the Seal of the Prophets the Master of the Universe sallAllahu alaihi wasallam.
This stage involves traveling with perception, not real journey. Even the perception is deficient, incapable and wandering.
Reciting the Salawāt mentioned in the Meditation for Muhammad Reality is also helpful for progress in this stage.
Lesson 35: Murāqibah Lā-Ta’ayyun (meditation of the non-determination)
This is the final stage of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi path, although in reality there is no end of progressing towards Allah Almighty.
Intention: “Faid is coming from the Pure Being who is the source of the Faid of Circle of Non-Determination, to my Singular Form (all the ten Latāif).”
Lā-Ta’ayyun means non-determination. This meditation is done to receive the Faid of the Being [Dhāt] that is higher than all determinations. Among the Prophets, this station is specific to the Seal of the Prophets the Final Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam.
A seeker does not acquire this most sublime spiritual station, rather only travels perceptually through it, with extreme humbleness and humiliation.
العجز عن درک الذات ادراک، والقول بدرک الذات اشراک
“The (assertion of) incompetence of cognizing the Essence is Cognition.
The claim of cognizing the Essence is Shirk.”
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