Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Salat al-Badriyya Poem by Shaykh Ali Mansur (RA)- Salawat Hub

Salat al-Badriyya is a poem composed by Indonesian scholar and poet Shaykh Ali Mansur Siddiq Bashaiban X (d. 1391/1971) in praise of the Prophet ﷺ and the companions martyred in the Battle of Badr. It is commonly known as Sholawat Badar in Indonesia where it holds a very special status. It is usually referred to as “Salatullah Salamullah” in other parts of the world.

About Salat al-Badriyya

Shaykh Ali Mansur was born in Jember, East Java on 23 March 1921 (4 Ramadan 1340 AH). After his initial Islamic education, he became heavily involved in politics. He was affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, an Indonesian socio-religious movement, which has grown to become the largest independent Islamic organisation in the world today.

Shaykh Ali Mansur wrote Salat al-Badriyya during a time of great social and political chaos in Indonesia. As a result of the risk of possible confrontation between various political parties, he grew anxious. During a restless night, it is said that he dreamt of meeting people clad in white and green robes. That same night, his wife dreamt of meeting the Prophet ﷺ. The following day he set out to visit Habib Hadi bin Abdullah Al-Hadar, one of the greatest scholars of the time, in search for an interpretation of this dream. Habib Hadi told him that the people in his dream were the people of Badr.

Following these events and with inspiration from a book entitled Manzumah Ahl al-Badar al-Muhsammah al-Musamma Jaliyyat al-Kadar fi Fadail Ahl al-Badar (Arabic: منظومة اهل بدر المسماة جالية الكدر في فضل اهل بدر) by Imam Ja’far al-Barzanji, Shaykh Ali composed Salat al-Badriyya.

The following day, he was visited by a group of highly respected habaib led by Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman al-Habshi, better known as Habib Ali Kwitang. After a brief conversation about the political situation, Habib Ali asked Shaykh Ali about the poem he had written the previous night. Shaykh Ali was surprised as he hadn’t made mention of the poem. Habib Ali asked him to recite Salat al-Badriyya in front of the group of habaib. The poem moved the group to tears. Habib Ali immediately stood up following the recital and said, “O Ali Mansur! Let us fight the enemies of Islam with Salawat al-Badriyya!” This visit took place on Wednesday, September 26, 1962 at 8 am according to Shaykh Ali Mansur’s diary.

Habib Ali later invited Shaykh Ali Mansur and other respected scholars to his village in Jakarta. Shaykh Ali was asked to recite Salat al-Badriyya in front of a large congregation. Following the event, Habib Ali al-Habshi asked his students to print the prayer and distribute it to the congregation.

The Grave of Shaykh Ali Mansur

From there, the poem’s fame grew rapidly in Indonesia and was used as a reading by Nahdlatul Ulama to rouse spirits against opposing parties. It has since become well-known throughout the world.

Shaykh Ali passed away on March 24, 1971 (26 Muharram 1391) at the age of 50. His grave is located in Maibit village in Tuban Regency, Indonesia. It has been recently renovated and is regularly frequented by the public. A large mural of the poem stands by his grave.


PDF: At Salawat Hub Website

YouYube Video- Talib Al Habib : Salat al Badriyya with Arabic & English Subtitles

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Historical Sacred Calligraphy, Poetry, Names of Prophet Muhammad (saws) at Masjid Al-Nabawi : 1. Holy Hijaz Website 2. Videos

1.Holy Hijaz : Art, Calligraphy & Special Sights of Masjid al-Nabawi & Masjid al-Haram: 


Assalamu alaykum

I started this Blog as i wanted to share my interest and findings on the various art work found in Masjid e Nabwi.

One thing that always bothered me was that i could not understand what was written in both Masjid e Nabwi and in the Holy Haram in Makkah.

I thought to myself why dont i know what it says? Surely everything connected with our Holy Master is elevated due to his connection and proximity, thus i shoud know about His Holy Masjid and especially about the caligraphy, poetry and architecture of the Holy Chamber.

To this end i have consulted many many books, articles, photographs and spent a large amount of time in Riyadh libraries such as the King Abdul Aziz Public Libraries as well as the Library in Masjid e Nabwi.

My work has been helped by the fact that i work in Riyadh and can travel to the Holy Masjid every weekend if I wanted to and I have done quite often.

May Alah Tha’ala accept this deed as an Ithaale Thawab for all the Muslims that have passed away or are yet to pass away until the day of judgment and may the benevelent and gracious sight of our Master Alay hissalam be upon us.


2.A - Video- Ziyarah of Rawdhah in Masjid al-Nabawi ( Prophet's Mosque ) - Arabic Text of Poetry with Urdu Translation: 

2.B. -Video - 185 Beautiful Names of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ written on qibla wall of Masjid Nabawi ﷺ :

Abdullah Zuhdi: Artist of the Prophet's Mosque