Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Life of Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi | Sidi Abu Munir al-Sha'ar & Hamza Karamali | Basira Education- April 18, 2020

 YouTube Video:

Sidi Abu Munir al-Sha'ar, the personal attendant of Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi for nine years, recalls his memories with him. Shaykh Shukri (d. 2014) was a humble scholar of the canonical recitations of the Quran of inspiring character who shunned the spotlight and the possessions of this world. He is remembered as someone who humbly poured water for people who attend gatherings of dhikr in the mosques of Damascus, and the song that these photographs are sung to alludes to this by singing about the one who draws people into the presence of Allah Most High by pouring the metaphorical and intoxicating "wine" of la ilaha illa allah into their hearts and souls.

Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi Biography:

Damas Cultural Society:

Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi Obituary: Ilm Gate

Seekers Guidance Obituary by Imam Zaid Shakir:

Muwasala Obituary by Habib Umar Bin Hafiz :

Facebook: Lovers of Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi -

YouTube Video:Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi reciting Quran -

The erudite 'Allāmah, the noble Shaykh Shukrī ibn Ahmad ibn 'Alī ibn Ahmad al-Luhafī al-Hanafī is a renowned teacher of Qira'āt, a faqīh (jurist), a linguist, a calligrapher, a poet and an ascetic. He is also the current Shaykh of the Shādhilī-Darqāwī-Hāshimī tarīqa of Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahmān al-Shāghūrī (d. 2004), after the passing of Shaykh Mustafā al-Turkmānī (d. 2006), may Allah be pleased with them both, Shaykh Shukri is also one of the Abdaal of Shaam ash-Sharif.

YouTube Video: Shadhili Sufi Hadra in Syria -( English Subtitles) -Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi - Poetry - Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani - Hashim Aziz October 1, 2021 :

¹ One of the 99 Qur'anic names of God, usually translated as "The Most Generous" ² A sommelier is someone who serves wine, so is a more accurate translation for "saqi" than bartender or waiter: Wine and all of the language based around it is one of the most common metaphors in Sufi poetry, and almost never used literally. ³ One of the 99 Qur'anic names of God, which is best translated as "The Giver of Gifts" or "The Supreme Bestower" ⁵ Abdul Qadir al-Gilani, named for his native province of Gilan in 10th-century Persia. He was one of the earliest and arguably most influential Sufis in Islamic history, and is the eponymous founder of the Qadiri tariqah (Sufi order), which is probably the most widespread tariqah in the modern world. ⁶ A common epithet for Abdul Qadir al-Gilani meaning "falcon" A hadra led by the late Shaykh Shukri al-Luhafi, the leader of Shaykh Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghouri's Darqawi-Hashimi-Shaghouri branch of the Shadhili tariqah ever since the death of Shaykh Mustafa al-Turkmani in 2006. It took place in Qalabaqjiyah Mosque, Damascus, Syria, but the date/year is unknown. The munshid (vocalist) is Hassan Sarouji, and all of the poems are recited in Maqam Bayati. See below for detailed information about the poetry. Most of the video has been translated but there are still a few lines that I couldn't make out, as indicated in the subtitles. If anyone with better hardware or hearing than me can make them out or translate them please comment or send me them. I will update the translation and give full credit to you in this description. Likewise if you notice any mistakes in the translation or other issues with the video or this description, please let me know so I can check them – if they turn out to be wrong I will correct the video as soon as possible and credit you in this description. ––––– 0:00 Hasha al-Kareem حاشا الكريـم يردهـم عطشـى Verses by Ali ibn Muhammad al-Habashi, a 19th-century shaykh of the Ba'Alawi tariqah. 0:56 Ya Saaqi al-Nudamaan ياساقى الندمان من رائق الدنان Written by Abdul-Rahman al-Shaghouri, the former master of the Hashimi-Darqawi branch of the until his death in 2004. 3:39 Lamma Saqani لما سقاني ساقي القوم The author for this poem is unknown. If you have a reliable source for who wrote it please let me know


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