Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dr.Abdul Sattar Khan Naqshbandi passed away

Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Alaihe Raje,un-Dr.Abdul Sattar Khan Naqshbandi, Former Head, Arabic Dept, Osmania University,Hyderabad,India, Khalifah Hazrat Abul Hasanat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Qadri (R.A),Muhaddith-e-Deccan,passed away and Janaza is today at MCC Chicago.Allah Taala grant him Jannat ul Firdos and elevate his darajats .Amin. Please remember him in your duas

Hadhrat Abul Fida Maulana Abdul Sattar Khan Sahib passes away!
It is very distressing indeed that in the early morning hours of today i.e. of Wednesday 24th October,2012, in Chicago, USA, the great Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Order of Tasawwuf, the caliph of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His Mercy on him), Abul Fida Hadhrat ‘Allama Maulana Al Haaj Professor Dr. Abdul Sattar Khan Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) passed away into the presence of Allah. He is survived by his 8 sons and 2 daughters. For more details, you may contact his son Maulana Abdul Hannan Khan Sahib (India) on 9052387583/040-24383903/9966076839

A brief life sketch of Hadhrat Abul Fida,(May Allah shower His Mercy on him)He was born in Maisaram about 18 km from Hyderabad on 28th October, 1343 Hijri, 1924 AD.

His forefather Hadhrat Bade Khan Sahab had come from Qandahar, Afghanistan, after the establishment of the Asafjahi dynasty and had settled in Maisaram..The atmosphere of the home of Hadhrat Abul Fida was completely Islamic. He acquired both religious and worldly knowledge, graduated from the university, was appointed a professor in Osmania University and eventually became the Head of the Dept. of Arabic.
He had great love for saints and specially for his master, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).He acquired knowledge from great teachers and Shaykhs. He learnt the 10 different styles of recitation of the Holy Quran (Qira’at ‘Ashrah) from Maulana Qari Abdul Rahman Humoomi and Maulana Hafidh Qari Waliullah Sahib.His teachers:The great jurist, Hadhrat Abul Wafa Afghani (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)Maulana Hafidh Syed Maqsud Ali Khairabadi, the student of ‘Allama ‘Abdul Haq Khairabadi (May Allah shower His Mercy on them).The great litterateur, Hadhrat ‘Allama Maulana Syed Ibrahim Adeeb Razawi Qadri (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)Maulana Professor Abdul Haq Sahib (May Allah shower His Mercy on him)Maulana Syed Nabi Hyderabadi Sahib, the author of Minhaaj Ul Arabiyya (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) Maulana Syed Usman Jafri Ilahabadi (May Allah shower His Mercy on im)He hadn’t yet completed his matriculation that he gave his pledge (Ba’yah) to the great Hadith-master Abul Hasanaat Hadhrat Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri Muhaddith-e-Deccan in 1940. He drew a lot from his blessed company and acquired high stations in spirituality.He played a very important part in the printing and publishing of “Zujaajatul Masabeeh,” the great classic of Hanafi Jurisprudence which was authored by Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His Mercy on him).When the Arabic edition of Zujaajatul Masabeeh was being published, he had the honor of reading the whole book twice before Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) and the third time he read it before his teacher the great jurist, Hadhrat Maulana Abul Wafa Afghani (May Allah shower His Mercy on him). He had come to “Babu Manaqibi Syeduna Abu Bakr Siddiq Raziallahu Anhu” in the 5th volume that Hadhrat Abul Wafa (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) fell ill and passed away in 1975. After this, Hadhrat Abul Fida gave lessons of Zujaajatul Masabeeh in a mosque in Hyderabad and completed 3 complete readings of this great book in this manner. He led a very simple life. He was the very embodiment of good manners and humility. In the country and abroad, he would work tirelessly for the propagation of Islam and the Hanafi school of Jurisprudence.He passed away into the presence of Almighty Allah on 7th Dhul Hijjah, 1433 Hijri which corresponds to 24th October, 2012, at Chicago, America.May Allah elevate his status evermore and bless us through him. Aameen