Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mawlid in English. Abdal Hayy Moore

About his birth the whole world knows in the depths of its atoms.
Amina bore him and he was immediate in his praise of Allah.
Some say he first did sajda, others that he spoke the shahada and then was silent.
Already at birth he was the Prophet of Unity, the movie played backwards from its glorious end.
His father Abdallah, from the tribe of Hashim,died without seeing him.
The wet nurse Halima took him to her heart and their goat’s milk flowed.
All the desert burst into sumptuous flower from his singular presence.
The nighttime covered him with its spangled blanket.
The day fluffed the wool of its sides for him to tend it like huddled sheep.
A cloud went with him to shade him from the heat at the desert saint’s surprise banquet.
(He could see the Prophet’s space among thecaravan leaders andcalled out for him to fill it –“Where is the boy who has come, by Allah,to show me the Prophet’s seal?” – a mole it is said, between his shoulder blades, with circling hairs like a horse’s mane.)
He grew up trustworthy among men for whom this was a difficult quality.
He took from the cloth of Unity the Black Stone of Eternity
and placed it bodily in the side of God’s House,
cornerstone finality,
stone we kiss
out of awe of God’s Majesty!
(from Maulood) Read at NFIE International Mawlid un Nabi Conference,Chicago,Illinois.USA
See Video at Youtube

Friday, March 20, 2009

Annual NFIE Mawlid un Nabi (saws) Conference in Phoenix,Arizona,USA -March 14,2009

The Naqsbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) celebrated the birth of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) on Saturday, March 14th, 2009 in Chandler, Arizona with great humility and love. This spiritual event in its sixth year was attended by over 500 people of diversified ethnic Muslim population living in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona.The program started at 2:00 pm with the registration of guests. Lubna Ahmed moderated the early part of the program. It included Quranic recitations by Imam Didmar Faja and Nasheeds by Bilal Siddiqui, Yousuf Bhuvad and Mansoor Johar. The choir from the Arizona Cultural Academy also performed Nasheeds in the praise of the Prophet(PBUH). After the Asr prayer, Noor Mohammed Jarral, the guest Nasheed reciter, won the hearts of the audience by his unique delivery of Naats and Qaseeda. Asim Ameer, who moderated the third session of the program, introduced the key note speaker Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy. Shaikh Muhammad captured the attention of the audience by his speech on Prophet’s life and Sunnah. “We need to evaluate our priorities when it comes to following the life of the Prophet (PBUH). We are in pursuit of wealth, social life, TV, clubs and associations. The lack of importance to Seerah takes away the abundance (Barakaah) of health, wealth and relationship from our life” he said.After the Maghrib prayers, the Shaikh conducted a question and answer session. The audience asked the variety of questions on guidance and Islamic principles.Dr. Ahmed Mirza, the president of Naqsbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education gave a brief background on the foundation and its accomplishments of the past few years. The program ended with Arif Kazmi thanking Dr. Ahmed Mirza and the volunteers for making this event successful year after year. The food was served at the conclusion.