Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Friday, April 30, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership - Imam al-Bukhari ( radi'Allahu anhu)

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership - Imam al-Bukhari ( radi'Allahu anhu)

This talk was delivered on February 15, 2020, at Cambridge Muslim College


Fatḥ al-Bārī sharh al-Bukhārī (‘Victory of the Creator: Commentary on Bukhārī)’ by Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalānī is widely considered to be the finest commentary on the greatest book of hadith.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Al-Shareef – The Sultan Edition The Sultan edition was commissioned by Sultan Abdul Hamid II and printed in 1313 AH / 1895 CE in Egypt in nine volumes. A group of sixteen erudite scholars from Egypt, led by the Grand Shaykh of al-Azhar, Hassunah al-Nawawi reviewed it; and later Shaykh al-Islam, the Ottoman highest religious authority in the Muslim World, approved it, alongside another committee of the most learned scholars in Istanbul. What made this edition unique was the fact that it was printed according to the famous Yunini manuscript – the most authoritative copy of Sahih al-Bukhari. This, made the Sultan’s edition the most reliable copy of Sahih al-Bukhari. Since the Sultan printed only 1000 copies His edition became a piece of antiquity, with several generations of scholars growing up hearing about it, but never seeing it. This new edition is a reproduction by facsimile of the Sultan’s edition with its beauty and authenticity based on a rare and flawless copy housed in the library of Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi – to which the Shaykh generously granted access during the reproduction of this facsimile. Sahih al-Bukhari is soundest book in Islam after the Quran, therefore, it must be given due respect and reverence, and produced with luxury and augustness. In This facsimile edition, Signatora presents the 10 volumes of Sahih Bukhari full of endless beauty and unmatched elegance. Wait… there is more. The collection includes a new book that has never been published before; it is introduction to Sahih Al-Bukhari, by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi. This book helps you read the Sahih and understand how Imam Bukhari compiled it, what he included in it. It reveals the life of the author and matchless features of his book. Every reader of Sahih al-Bukhari must have this Introduction. A precious copy that you will treasure for ever. Have a look at this edition, and feel it in your hand at one of our announced events, and we guarantee that you are go

The Recital of the Books of Hadith is Tradition that must be Revived - Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi -

Thousand turn out to hear Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi's Recital of Al- Bukhari
The Legal Principles of Muhammad B. Ismail Al-Bukhari & their Relationship to Classical Salafi Islam - Scott C. Lucas : PDF -

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Nana Asma'u

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Nana Asma'u

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad looks at Nana Asma'u, the famous mother of the scholars of early 19th century Hausaland West Africa, as a feminine modality of leadership.
This talk was delivered on January 12, 2019 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Link :


Muslim Women in Leadership: Nana Asma'u, Daughter of the Shehu- Tamara Gray

Amazon: Collected Works of Nana Asma'u: Daughter of Usman 'dan Fodiyo (1793-1864) (African Historical Sources)

One Woman's Jihad: Nana Asma'u, Scholar & Scribe by Beverly Mack & Jean Boyd

The fascinating life and times of Nana Asma'u (1793 - 1864), a West African woman who was a Muslim scholar and poet. As the daughter of the spiritual and political leader of the Sokoto community, Asma'u was a role model and teacher for other Muslim women as well as a scholar of Islam and a key advisor to her father as he waged a jihad to bring Islam to the population of what is now northwestern Nigeria.

TRADITIONAL POETRY OF NANA ASMA’U BINT FODIO Dr. Madina Shehu1 1Federal College of Education Zaria- Nigeria,International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Science & Technology

Ode to Nana Asma'u: Voice & Spirit - MuslimHeritage.Com- Natty Mark Samuels

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Sukayna bint al-Hussein Radhi'Allahu Anha

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Sukayna bint al-Hussein Radhi'Allahu Anha

The life of Sayyida Sukayna bint al-Hussain shows us that the people in the time of the Prophet’s ﷺ successors were diverse; and it was a time of hope, a time of happiness in the face of very considerable, sometimes excruciating adversity, and a time essentially of the embrace of life and of its brighter aspects.

This talk was delivered on January 25, 2020 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Link :

Sayyida Sukayna bint al-Husayn (117 AH, Madinah)

Full Paper :

"Sayyida Sukayna was a blessed daughter of our master Imām Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī-Ṭālib and Lady Rabāb, may Allāh be pleased with them all, and a princess of the family of the Prophet ṣall-Allāhu ʿalaihi wa-sallam.
She was granddaughter of our master Imām ʿAlī and our mistress Lady Fāṭima Zuhrā, and a great-granddaughter of the Lord of the Prophets ṣall-Allāhu ʿalaihi wa-sallam.
Her birth name was Amīna, but her mother gave her the title Sukayna and that became her name afterwards. Later, the pronunciation of the name changed to Sakīna which is more popular today than the original Sukayna.
She was the best of the noble ladies of her time, the most beautiful among them, the most elegant, and the nicest in mannerism.
Her beauty was unparalleled in the women of Arabia, to the extent that people would often exemplify a beautiful woman by saying that she had “the forehead of Sukayna.”
She was the best poet of her age. The great poets of Quraysh used to learn from her.
In her childhood, she was engaged with her cousin ʿAbdu’llāh ibn Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī. However, he received martyrdom before marrying her.
She accompanied her father and family to Karbalā in 61 AH, where most of her male family members were martyred by the Yazīdian tyrants. She witnessed this calamity at a young age and lost her brothers, cousins, uncles and her blessed father Imām Ḥusayn."
"She had inherited all the virtues and qualities of her ancestors. She faced extreme hardships throughout her life but faced them with patience and forbearance. Her generosity was a manifestation of her noble grandparents. One day, many poets had gathered at the door of her house, including the well known Jarīr and Farazdaq. She ordered her maid to give away one million dirhams to them.
She lived most of her life in Madīnah. The journey of her life ended in the month of Rabīʿ al-Awwal 117 AH in Madīnah according to the strongest opinion of historians. Her body was scented with thirty dīnārs worth of perfume. Her funeral prayer was led by Shaybah ibn Naṣṣāḥ, and she was buried in the Baqīʿ cemetery."
Madina to Karbala PDF - Part 2 - Chishti Sufi Perspective by Irshad Soofi Siddiqui Chishti South Africa

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Uthman Ibn Affan (Radhi'Allahu Anhu)

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Uthman Ibn Affan (Radhi'Allahu Anhu)

This talk was delivered on December 7, 2019 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Link :

Al-Khulafa Ar-Rashidun: The Rightly Guided Caliphs Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoubi(5 CD SET) WILL PLAY ALL CAR CD PLAYERS. Sheikh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi takes a journey into the past and introduces us to five of the greatest men to ever walk this earth; the Khulafa Ar-Rashidun; Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Umar al-Faruq, Uthman bin Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and Hassan ibn Ali (radi Allahu anh). Using the incredible book written by Imam as-Suyuti, "The Hisory of the Khalifas Who Took The Right Way," Shaykh Muhammad offers the seekers of knowledge and in-depth view of their remarkable lives through stories about their individual contributions to Islam, and their accomplishements and struggles as the most celebrated successors after the Prophet (sallahu Allahi wa Salaam). Fascinating examples of their humility with Allah and His Messenger (sallahu Allahi wa Salaam), and their unparelleled valor in leadership abound in this amazing series and sets it apart from any other.

The History of Four Caliphs:

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Khudari Bak Al-Bajuri

Publisher: Turath Publishing
1 review
The History of The Four Caliphs This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the first four caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who because of their rectitude, became known as the “Rightly Guided Caliphs” (may Allah be pleased with them). The author provides a clear and fast-paced account of the battles and internal struggles of the four caliphs, as well as that of the fifth, Hasan ibn Ali.

The History of the Khalifahs who took the Right Way
Tarikh al Khulafa Rashideen
By Jalalu'd-Din 'Abd'ur-Rahman as -Suyuti
Translator: 'Abdassamad Clarke
Publisher: Taha Publishers, London

About The Book
Taken from Tarikh al-Khulafa’, this classical work presents authentic hadith about the first four Khalifahs of Islam, may Allah be pleased with them, illustrating both the integrity and wisdom that they displayed in governance. This book also highlights their contributions to that body of practice which is known as the Sunnah.

Uthman Ibn Affan: The Third Rightly Guided Caliph PDF

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Khwaja Ubaidullah Ahrar (RA)

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Khwaja Ubaidullah Ahrar (RA)
This talk was delivered on November 9, Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Link :

Wikipedia -

Beads of Dew from the Source of Life
(Rashahat 'Ain al-Hayat)
by Mawlana 'Ali Ibn Husain Safi.

'Ali ibn Husain Safi , the author of the Rashahat, lived in the beginning of the 10th Century AH. He was brother-in-law of the famous mystic and poet Jami who gave him the name 'Safi'. In the Rashahat 'Ain al-Hayat, Safi gives an account of the lives and teachings of a group of Sufi mystics known as the Khwajagan - the Masters of Wisdom. The Khwajagan lived in Central Asia between the 4th and the 9th centuries Hijri. The ranks of the Khwajagan include the great sufis 'Abd al-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani and Baha' al-Din Naqshband, who gave his name to the Naqshbandi order, though he did not found it. The many branches of the Naqshbandiyya survive to this day. This book is the first translation of the Rashahat into English and provides the present generation with clear and precise biographies of the great and genuine sufis who emerged in Turkestan at a most significant period.

The Letters of Khwajah 'Ubayd Allah Ahrar and His Associates (Brill's Inner Asian Library) (English and Persian Edition) (Persian) Hardcover – September 1, 2002
by Jo-Ann Gross (Author), Asam Urunbaev (Author)

This English edition of the correspondence of Khwāja 'Ubayd Allāh Aḥrār, the fifteenth-century Central Asian Naqshbandī Sufi shaykh, and his associates provides surprising new insights into the sociopolitical and economic history of premodern Central Asia and the influential roles of Sufi leaders of the time. It contains the extraordinary collection of autograph letters from the Majmū'a-yi murāsalāt, a unique manuscript housed at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with petitions to the Timurid court at Herat.
The letters cover such topics as internecine conflict, peacemaking, taxation, property and endowments, trade, migration, Islamic piety and law, material support of shaykhs and students, and relief from oppression. Three introductory chapters discuss the Central Asian Naqshbandīya, Khwāja 'Ubayd Allāh Aḥrār, the social, historical, economic and political significance of the letters, and the manuscript and its authors. With the Persian transcription and a complete facsimile of the manuscript letters reproduced at the end of the work

Risalah Waldiyah of Khwaja Ahrar - Urdu translation -

Risalah Waldiyah, a book authored by the famous Naqshbandi shaykh Hazrat Khwaja Ubaydullah Ahrar Samarqandi (d.895 AH). This contains an Urdu translation with the Turkish text which was translated by Mughal emperor Babur (from Farsi). Another translation of the original Farsi text is also included, as the Persian text was later found.
184 pages
Published in 2012 by Pakistan Historical Society
Digitized by Maktabah Mujaddidiyah ( July 2012

Naqshbandiya Eleven Principles

Monday, April 26, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Al Ghazali

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Al Ghazali

This Talk was delivered on July 6,2019 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Link :

Travelling Light Series:

Travelling Light series aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Imam al-Ghazali’s magnum opus the Ihya Ulum al-Din through a systematic study of the forty books. Each scholar comments upon various books within the Ihya in an important site of Islamic History, bringing together sacred knowledge and history. Link:

Fons Vitae :
The Ghazali Children's Project :
Wikipedia :
Wikipedia: The Revival of the Religious Sciences :

Al-Ghazali - The Alchemist of Happiness Movie :

Al- Ghazali : A Virtual Online Library :Abu Hamid al-Ghazālī (450-505 AH/1058-1111 AD) [aka: al-Ghazzālī , Algazel ] is one of the great jurists, theologians and mystics of the 6th/12th century. He wrote on a wide range of topics including jurisprudence, theology, mysticism and philosophy. (a virtual online library) that aims to provide the complete works of al-Ghazālī in the original language -that have been published in print- and in translation. Also primary research material – including hundreds of full length books, monographs, dissertations and articles are available gratis – in communem delectationem. LINK :

Al-Ghazali Lecture Series - Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Cambridge Muslim College
In this ongoing series of lectures Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad takes us through Imam al-Ghazali's Ihya Ulum al-Din, the Revival of the Religious Sciences, elucidating its meanings through its original text, focusing on one book each year:

The King Abdullah Ibn Al-Hussein Waqf For Imam Al-Ghazali’s Work

The King Abdullah Ibn Al-Hussein Waqf For The Integral Chair For The Study Of Imam Al-Ghazali’s Work At The Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque And Al-Quds University - PDF

Chair Holder of Al-Ghazali of Epistemology and Civilisational Studies and Renewal

The Al-Ghazali Distinguished Professorship in Islamic Studies was created through donations from hundreds of members of the Islamic Center of Orlando, allowing UCF to build an Islamic Studies program through speakers, events, and new vehicles for interfaith dialogue, with the overall effect of promoting the understanding and appreciation of Islam and Muslim communities.

Brigham Young University is spearheading the translation and publication of Islamic philosophical works in a groundbreaking project called the Islamic Translation Series: Philosophy, Theology, and Mysticism. Managing editor Daniel C. Peterson says the series is furthering BYU’s understanding of and friendship with the Muslim world.

The Arabic works are being translated by scholars from around the world and produced and printed at BYU.

Written by al-Ghazali, a law professor living in the 12th century, the first published volume in the series is The Incoherence of the Philosophers.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad- Paradigm of Leadership # 8 - Shaykh ul Islam Ebussuud Effendi (RA)

Shaykh ul Islam Ebussuud Effendi - Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership

Ebussuud Effendi was the paradigmatic Ottoman ‘alim. Not just in terms of the legal and the spiritual culture which he occupied, but also because in many ways he understood the tension that existed between local, imperial pragmatism and the idealising discourse of the sharia. In this session, Shaykh Abdal Hakim evaluates the extent to which he tried to bring together customary law and the sultanic decree with the ideals of the Hanafi sharia, making him one of greatest scholars of the Ottoman Empire. This talk was delivered on June 15, 2019 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Lecture :

Ebussuud Efendi - Ebussuud ibn Muhammad ibn Mustafa el-Imadi Hoca Celebi

The Ottoman Period and the Quranic Commentary of Ebussuud/Abū alSu‛ūd al-‛Imādī (d. 1574
CE) Irshād al-‛aql al-salīm ilā mazāyā al-Kitāb alKarīm

The role of the Seyhulislam ( Shaykh ul Islam) among the Ottomans

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership # 7 - Nizam al-Din Awliya (RA)

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership - Nizam al-Din Awliya (RA)

Readings from the works of Nizam ad-Din Awliya and his biographies give us a glimpse into the transformative nature of his gatherings. He embraced humanity in all its difference, and in this session, Shaykh Abdal Hakim reflects that was through this simple, loving, and effective teaching that the subcontinent submitted to Islam.
This talk was delivered on May 11, 2019 at Cambridge Muslim College
YouTube Lecture Link :

The Life and Times of Shaikh Nizam-u'd-Din Auliya - Khaliq Ahmad Nizami

"Few saints in the long and chequered history of medieval India had such impact on the life and thought of their contemporaries as Shaikh Nizarn-u’d-din Auliya (1244-1325). For more than half a century, his khanqah in Delhi was a rendezvous for people drawn from different backgrounds-villagers and townsfolk, men and women, scholars and illiterates, rich and poor. The Shaikh had taken upon himself the stupendous task, of showing people the way to God and inspiring them with that faith and confidence in Him which sustained them in their life struggles. Toynbee thought that ‘the practical test of a religion, always and everywhere, is its success or failure in helping human souls to respond to the challenges of suffering and sin.’ By that measure, Shaikh Nizam-u’d-din Auliya’srole in the religious history of South Asia was of immense significance. For him ‘bringing happiness to the human heart’ was the essence of religion. Amir Khusrau, one of his many famous students, and one who realized the measure of his achievement in reorienting religious attitudes in that period, called him ‘healer of the heart (tabib-i-dil), His life story, in fact, forms a fascinating chapter in the history of the philanthropic effort of man to reduce the woe and worry of his fellow human beings. Ibn Battuta has referred to a trust which was created in Damascus to bring solace to broken hearts.” Shaikh Nizarn-u’d-din Auliya’s own life became a trust of this type"


Nizam Ad-Din Awliya: Morals for the Heart - Bruce Lawrence

The first and foremost representative of a literary genre that attained great popularity among South Asian Sufis, Fawa'id al-Fu'ad or Morals for the Heart, contains the conversations of a major Indian saint, Shaykh Nizam ad-din Awliya (d. 1325). Though recorded by a poet-disciple Amir Hasan, they were edited by the saint himself, and reflect his chaste, understated tone. In its style Morals for the Heart exemplifies the virtue of Persian prose as a didactic instrument. It communicates the numerous skills, the diverse moods, and the remarkable sensibilities of its austere subject. It captures the spirit of Shaykh Nizam ad-din's towering presence, his absolute loyalty to his spiritual master, his taste for poetry and music, and his empathy with the sufferings of others. We see him crying and laughing and praying. Passionate in his quest for God, he has left in Morals for the Heart a spiritual legacy that still animates and satisfies others who never knew him. Here Muslims discover one more treasure from their pre-modern past. Here non-Muslims encounter an Islam that brings peace and spiritual insight. Here all humanity is stilled by the saga of a Muslim exemplar who enshrined sacrifice and love as the highest goals of human existence when framed by faith in God.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership # 6 : Shaykh Abdul Ghani bin Ismail al Nabulsi (RA)

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership # 6 : Abdul Ghani bin Ismail al Nabulsi (RA)

In Abdul Ghani ibn Ismail al-Nablusi's lifetime, we see Islam as an age of the empirical experience of God, His compassion and His justice in the world. This talk was delivered on March 23, 2019 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Link :

Wikipedia :

In Defence Of Abdul Ghani al Nabulusi - Umm Sahl :

Abd Al Ghani Al Nabulusi - Samer Akkach : Islam and the Enlightenment

The Virtues of Seclusion in Times of Confusion - Shaykh Abdal Ghani al Nabulusi - Abdul Aziz Suraqah

Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi of Damascus (d.1143/1731) and the Mawlawi Sufi Tradition PDF - Ahmad Sukkar -

Monday, April 19, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership - Class # 5 William Williamson (Abdullah Fadhil )

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership - Class # 5 William Williamson (Abdullah Fadhil)

In learning the qualities of William Williamson, we see that Islam works well as a religion for free-spirited people; for those who were more comfortable with nature than with cities, those who were not afraid of discomfort or death but valued the qualitative intensity of traditional human life over and against the comforts of modernity.This talk was delivered on February 9, 2019. Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Lecture:

"The Anglo-Muslim community has produced many stormy petrels over the centuries. Religious dissidents, adventurers, romancers, scholar-pilgrims – all have enriched the diverse and colourful story that is British Islam. Peter Lyall, the Scotsman who became an admiral in the Ottoman navy; Abdullah Quilliam, the Liverpool solicitor who founded a mosque and orphanage in which Christian waifs were raised as Muslims; Benjamin Bishop, His Majesty’s consul in Cairo who turned Muslim and mysteriously disappeared; Lord Headley the peer; Lady Evelyn Cobbold the explorer and pilgrim to Mecca; Mubarak Churchward, the stage-painter and friend of Lily Langtry; the anonymous Scotsman who became governor of Madina; and many more. Few, however, lived such adventurous lives as the celebrated Hajji Abdullah Fadhil al-Zubayr, born William Williamson, remembered even today in the Gulf and Iraq, where his many descendants still retell his exploits."
"For the next two years, Abdullah studied Arabic and Islam under the ulema of Kuweit. He also spent time travelling through the flat immensities of the northern Arabian deserts, where he learned to love the camel and the Arabian horse. Buying and selling these animals brought him a modest income, with which he was able to contemplate the next great turning-point of his life: joining the Hajj caravan of 1894."
"The Hajji left the oil business in 1937, and retired to a small house in the village of Kut al-Hajjaj near Basra. Here he raised children and grandchildren, amazing them with tales of his remarkable life. For fifteen years thereafter, until his health failed him, he was a regular sight at the Ashar Mosque in Basra, and seldom missed the opportunity of attending a well-delivered class on religion. Back at home, he would sit with his amber and black prayer beads, his collection of religious books, and – a lifetime indulgence – a set of penny-Westerns with titles like Two-Gun Pete and Mayhem in Dodge City. Nothng could be more remote from the quiet desk-bound career which his father had planned for him on a distant Victorian afternoon; but the Hajji, whose path through life demonstrated so colourfully the universal appeal of Islam and the resilience of his native temper, would not have had it any other way. Loved by his large and vigorous family, he passed into the mercy of his Lord with a heart as serene as it was full of years."
Full Paper Link :

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership : Class # 3 - Hazrat Hagar ( Hajra) Alayhi as-Salam

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Paradigm of Leadership : Class # 3 - Hazrat Hagar ( Hajra) Alayhi as-Salam

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad looks at Hagar (as) as a feminine modality of leadership.

This talk was delivered on December 1, 2018 at Cambridge Muslim College

YouTube Lecture :

Wikipedia : Hagar alayhi as Salam in Islam -

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership - Class # 2 - Imam Malik (Radi Allahu `anhu)

Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership - Class # 2 - Imam Malik (Radi Allahu `anhu)

Cambridge Muslim College - 11/10/2018 - YouTube :

Some of the books mentioned by Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad in this presentation: A Culture of Ambiguity: An Alternative History of Islam by Thomas Bauer (ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Columbia University Press, DUE JUNE 2021)

Medieval Damascus: Plurality and Diversity in an Arabic Library: The Ashrafiyah Library Catalogue by Konrad Hirschler (Edinburgh University Press, paperback 2017)

Shari`a: Theory, Practice, Transformations by Wael B. Hallaq (Cambridge University Press, 2009)

The Impossible State: Islam, Politics, and Modernity’s Moral Predicament by Wael B. Hallaq (Columbia University Press, 2013)

Malik and Medina: Islamic Legal Reasoning in the Formative Period by Umar F. Abd-Allah (Brill, 2013)

Al- Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas English - Aisha Bewely

Biography - Imam Malik - Wikipedia -

The Four Imams and Their Schools : Dr.Gibril Haddad -

Friday, April 16, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership # 1- Imam Shamil -Cambridge Muslim Collehe - 4/13/2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad : Paradigm of Leadership # 1- Imam Shamil -Cambridge Muslim College - 4/13/2021

YouTube Lecture # 1 Imam Shamil :

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad tells the story of Imam Shamil, political, military, and spiritual leader of Caucasian resistance to Imperial Russia in the 1800s. He is the first of many exemplary figures in Islamic history in this series. Muslim history brims with detailed accounts of incredible leaders. Some are better known than others but they all demonstrated a range of beautiful leadership qualities that we can learn from today.
In Paradigms of Leadership – an ongoing Lecture Series – Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad chooses exemplary figures in Islamic history of every generation, geography and gender, drawing out particular lessons for us: both in the way they carried themselves through society and in the principles they employed in handling the urgent challenges of their day. Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Dr Timothy Winter) was educated at Cambridge, Al-Azhar and London universities. He is currently the Shaykh Zayed Lecturer of Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Divinity at Cambridge University and Director of Studies in Theology at Wolfson College. He has published and contributed to numerous academic works on Islam, including as Director of the Sunna Project, and is a leading figure in inter-faith activity, notably as one of the signatories to the Common Word statement. He is well-known as a contributor to BBC Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’. Cambridge Muslim College is the original vision of Abdal Hakim Murad.

Imam Shamil Wikipedia :

BOOK : Imam Shamil: The First Muslim Guerrilla Leader - Muhammad Hamid - The tragedy that overtook and continues to befall on Muslims in the shape of the destruction of their independence and power would have been sufficient to kill their will to live, were it not for a group of fighters who refuse to concede that slavery can be the destiny of Muslims. Muslims have continuously nurtured the sentiment of Jihad in their hearts. Imam Shamil's story of jihad against the Russians is a part of the same story. Little is known of the Muslims of Chechnya and the occupation of their lands by the Tsarist Russian invaders. The Sufi movement in the Caucasus in the eighteenth century was not a Muslim cult occupied merely in chanting God's praise: their jihad movement led by Imam Shamil is an epic story of faith in God and a legacy that Muslims cherish, to be retold from generation to generation.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad: Al-Ghazali on Intention, Sincerity and Truthfulness: Book 37 of the Revival of the Religious Sciences - Video Lectures

Video 1. Studies of Imam al-Ghazali - Abdal Hakim Murad - Thursday 13 July 2017

Video 2 - Studies if Imam al-Ghazali - Abdal Hakim Murad - Friday

Video 3 - Studies if Imam al-Ghazali - Abdal Hakim Murad - Saturday

Video 4 - Studies if Imam al-Ghazali - Abdal Hakim Murad - Sunday

Video by Albali Studio is designed, launched and managed by Aldi Fajar, a designer from Bali, Indonesia.: Studies if Imam al-Ghazali - Abdal Hakim Murad - Short Video Time : 16.14

This course will deal in depth with Book 37 of Imam al-Ghazali’s Revival of the Religious Sciences, entitled ‘Studies of Imam al-Ghazali"-Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Alqueria de Rosales Campus, Spain- July 13,14,15,16, 2017

Watch all of Shaikh Abdal Hakim's Ghazali conferences of 2017 here: Book of Intention, Sincerity and Truthfulness’. Students will cover issues related to human consciousness, will and motivation, definitions of sincerity (ikhlas), and practical methods of avoiding hypocrisy and confused intentions. The objective is to gain clearer knowledge of the reasons for the turbulence of our inner lives and to gain some practical awareness of how Islamic spirituality cleanses the thoughts and transforms us into more centred and conscious human beings.

Al-Ghazali on Intention, Sincerity and Truthfulness: Book 37 of the Revival of the Religious Sciences

Al-Ghazali on Intention, Sincerity & Truthfulness is the thirty-seventh chapter of the Revival of the Religious Sciences. It falls in the section dealing with the virtues. Here Ghazali deals with the very important subject of intention, which is of crucial importance in Islam. He asks: 'How can someone ignorant of the meaning of intention verify his own intention; or how can someone ignorant of the meaning of sincerity verify his own sincerity; or how can someone sincerely claim truthfulness if he has not verified its meaning?'
In the Book of Intention, Sincerity & Truthfulness, Ghazali gives a response to each of these questions by expounding the reality and levels of intention, sincerity and truthfulness, those acts which affirm them and those acts which mar them. As in all his writings, Ghazali bases his arguments on the Qur'an, the example of the Prophet and the sayings of numerous scholars and Sufis.

Islamic Book Store :

Mishkat Media Book 37:
On Intention, Truthfulness and Sincerity- DVD - Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

No matter how outwardly correct we may seem, without inward purity and sincerity our spiritual practice and our moral life are meaningless. Here we learn the importance of sincerity and right intention, and how to rectify our inward consciousness to ensure that everything we do is uplifted by a clear and good purpose. Sheikh Yahya Rhodus explains at Alqueria De Rosales, Granada.