Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

The Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit, tax exempt, religious and educational organization dedicated to serve Islam with a special focus on Tasawwuf(Sufism),

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam: The Qur'anic Principle of Wasatiyyah : Mohammad Hashim Kamali

Book:In The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam, leading Islamic law expert Mohammad Hashim Kamali examines the concept of wasatiyyah, or moderation, arguing that scholars, religious communities, and policy circles alike must have access to this governing principle that drives the silent majority of Muslims, rather than focusing on the extremist fringe. Kamali explores wasatiyyah in both historical/conceptual terms and in contemporary/practical terms. Tracing the definition and scope of the concept from the foundational sources of Islam, the Qu'ran and Hadith, he demonstrates that wasatiyyah has a long and well-developed history in Islamic law and applies the concept to contemporary issues of global policy, such as justice, women's rights, environmental and financial balance, and globalization.
Framing his work as an open dialogue against a now-decades long formulation of the arguably destructive Huntingtonian "clash of civilizations" thesis as well as the public rhetoric of fear of Muslim extremism since the attacks of September 11, 2001, Kamali connects historical conceptions of wasatiyyah to the themes of state and international law, governance, and cultural maladies in the Muslim world and beyond. Both a descriptive and prescriptive meditation on a key but often neglected principle of Islam, 
The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam provides insight into an idea that is in the strategic interest of the West both to show and practice for themselves and to recognize in Muslim countries. 

Reviews"This scholarly book is a major addition to works that deal with 'moderate' Islam, still the Islam of the majority of Muslims, which is also traditional Islam. Drawing from a wide range of sources and many notable voices, Kamali presents an extensive range of issues from social justice to the environmental crisis, from spirituality to relation with other religions, all seen from the perspective of moderation or wasaÏiyyah, which is the authentic Islamic perspective. Kamali is to be congratulated for writing a much needed work on normative and genuine Islam at a time when so many strident forces and voices, both the non-Islamic and nominally Islamic, are seeking to eclipse in the eyes of many the authentic image of the Islamic religion." --Seyyed Hossein Nasr, University Professor of Islamic Studies, The George Washington University. "Extremely timely, bridge-building and opening new insights on the true content of Islam. An absolute must for all those fighting for a better understanding between Christianity and Islam. On the basis of neglected sources of Islam the author deals with salient issues such as jihad, women's rights, and inter-religious intolerance, demonstrating that the true Islam advocates for moderation as a cornerstone for religious pluralism." --Professor Dr. Rüdiger Wolfrum, Managing Director of the Max-Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Heidelberg, Germany. "For years Mohammad Hashim Kamali has been one of the leading scholars in the world articulating an understanding of Islamic law that is equally grounded in the tradition of Islamic jurisprudence and also responsive to the needs and sensibilities of modern Muslims. This book is at once the culmination of decades of thinking about justice, authority and knowledge in Islam and a major new statement about how Islamic principles of moderation can cohere into a comprehensive vision of religious morality. It will undoubtedly take its place as the major point of reference for this vision, and be studied closely across the globe." --Andrew F. March, Associate Professor of Political Science, Yale University. "Another accessible and learned work from one of the scholars who has done the most to bring Islamic law to a global audience and discussions of comparative law. And very timely." --Jonathan Brown, Associate Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and Associate Director of the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University. "With this book, Kamali (founding CEO, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies [IAIS], Malaysia) adds to a long list of invaluable corrective studies on Islam targeting both scholarly and general readers... Kamali offers a convincing, sensitive reading of practices of religious pluralism among Muslims. A culmination of his decades of scholarship on Islamic law and jurisprudence, this book should serve as an important reference for years to come... Highly recommended." --CHOICE                                             "What I find particularly attractive about this book is that it is written in a style that both scholars and the general public will find accessible and yet without losing its academic rigour... Going beyond the pure theory of Wasatiyyah in this applied part of the book, Prof Kamali engages in a crucial set of meditations about how our Islamic traditions, when guided by the middle way, go beyond just dealing tolerantly with other religions." --His Royal Highness, Sultan Dr Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah, Sultan of Perak                                                         Amazon:                          YouTube--Book Launch: "The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam" at IAIS Malaysia on 23 November 2015. Dr.Mohammad Hashim Kamali                                   Dr.Kamali's Biography :                                                          PDF of Book (35 Pages):                                                                


Monday, February 19, 2024

The Mystics of al-Andalus: Ibn Barrajān and Islamic Thought in the Twelfth Century : Yousef Casewit

The twelfth century CE was a watershed moment for mysticism in the Muslim West. In al-Andalus, the pioneers of this mystical tradition, the Mu'tabirun or 'Contemplators', championed a synthesis between Muslim scriptural sources and Neoplatonic cosmology. Ibn Barrajān of Seville was most responsible for shaping this new intellectual approach, and is the focus of Yousef Casewit's book. Ibn Barrajān's extensive commentaries on the divine names and the Qur'ān stress the significance of God's signs in nature, the Arabic bible as a means of interpreting the Qur'ān, and the mystical crossing from the visible to the unseen. With an examination of the understudied writings of both Ibn Barrajān and his contemporaries, Ibn al-'Arif and Ibn Qasi, as well as the wider socio-political and scholarly context in al-Andalus, this book will appeal to researchers of the medieval Islamic world and the history of mysticism and Sufism in the Muslim West. Amazon:

Contents PDF

Dr. Yousef Casewit's Biography :Professor Casewit is a Qur’anic studies scholar at University of Chicago. His research interests include intellectual history of North Africa and al-Andalus, Muslim perceptions of the Bible, and medieval commentaries on the ninety nine divine names. He has several publications, most recently The Mystics of al-Andalus: Ibn Barrajān and Islamic Thought in the Twelfth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2017), a study on Ibn Barrajan’s life and teachings. He is also the author of a critical edition of a Qur’an commentary by Ibn Barrajan (Brill, TSQ Series, 2016). Source:

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Unlimited Mercifier: The Spiritual Life and Thought of Ibn 'Arabi: Stephen Hirtenstein


Book:This unique portrait of the great Andalusian mystic uses his own writings to tell the story of his life and teachings. Chapters of biography are interwoven with chapters portraying the central elements of his thought and are supplemented with photographs and maps.                  Review:While the book’s author is an acclaimed Islamic/Sufic scholar and teacher (at the time of this review he is a Senior Editor for the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London, as well as the editor of the Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi Society since its inception in 1982), this is far from a dry, academically oriented treatise. Instead, “The Unlimited Mercifier” presents an engrossing examination of the life and thought of al-Shaykh al-Akbar ("the Greatest Shaykh"), highlighting his unique and revered place in the history of Sufism, Mysticism, and Islamic Doctrine, along with his profound and enduring relevance. I cannot recommend this exceptional book enough, and for anyone interested in purchasing it, I am including below the following description from Oxford based Anqa Publishing, which Mr. Hirtenstein co-founded. Amazon:                             

Interview with Stephen Hirtenstein: Ibn Arabi, The Unlimited Mercifier : June 4,2020.For many in the West, their first encounter with the 13th-century sufi mystic Ibn Arabi will be in the Turkish drama 'Resurrection: Ertugrul,' available on Netflix, where he is portrayed as a wandering spiritual master and adviser, always ready to dispense with the perfect wisdom in any given situation. But who was Ibn Arabi in real life? And why is he called the "Greatest Master"?

Today on MindMatters, we interview Stephen Hirtenstein, editor of the Journal of the Ibn Arabi Society, co-founder of Anqa Publishing, and author of several translations of Ibn Arabi's works as well as the book we discuss today: 'The Unlimited Mercifier: The Spiritual Life and Thought of Ibn Arabi.' We discuss some of Ibn Arabi's major works, the visions that inspired them, his own remarkable spiritual development, and some of the core meanings unveiled in his prolific output. YouTube Video:
Book: The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn Al Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination. William Chittick

"For the first time in the history of Orientalism, a thorough study of Ibn al-'Arabi's thought is now available. William Chittick has given us a translation of numerous passages from the work of the Magister Magnus and placed them in their theological context, thus removing many misunderstandings that have prevailed both among Muslims and in the West when interpreting Ibn al-'Arabi's mystical worldview. Chittick has done this with admirable clarity, and his book will always remain a most important milestone in the study of Islamic mystical theology." -- Annemarie Schimmel, Harvard University
Ibn al-'Arabi is still known as "the Great Sheik" among the surviving Sufi orders. Born in Muslim Spain, he has become famous in the West as the greatest mystical thinker of Islamic civilization. He was a great philosopher, theologian, and poet.
William Chittick takes a major step toward exposing the breadth and depth of Ibn al-'Arabi's vision. The book offers his view of spiritual perfection and explains his theology, ontology, epistemology, hermeneutics, and soteriology. The clear language, unencumbered by methodological jargon, makes it accessible to those familiar with other spiritual traditions, while its scholarly precision will appeal to specialists.
Beginning with a survey of Ibn al-'Arabi's major teachings, the book gradually introduces the most important facets of his thought, devoting attention to definitions of his basic terminology. His teachings are illustrated with many translated passages introducing readers to fascinating byways of spiritual life that would not ordinarily be encountered in an account of a thinker's ideas. Ibn al-'Arabi is allowed to describe in detail the visionary world from which his knowledge derives and to express his teachings in his own words.
More than 600 passages from his major work, al-Futuhat al-Makkivva, are translated here, practically for the first time. These alone provide twice the text of the Fusus al-hikam. The exhaustive indexes make the work an invaluable reference tool for research in Sufism and Islamic thought in general. Source: Articles: Ibn Arabi: The Door Way to an Intelectual Tradition - William Chittick By ‘intellectual tradition’ I mean the branch of Islamic learning that puts its primary effort into actualizing the intellect (ʿaql), understood as a living awareness of the way things actually are. Those who can be classified as members of this tradition have usually been looked back upon as philosophers or Sufis. They held that the final goal of all Islamic learning – and, indeed, of all religion – is to awaken people to their own intellectual and spiritual nature, which is the divine image found in the heart. One of the most famous members of this tradition – al-Ghazālī – sums up its role in the title of his magnum opus, Ihyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn: ‘Giving Life to Religious Knowledge.’ It is certainly not without relevance that Ibn al-ʿArabī came to be called Muhyi’l-Dīn (‘He who gives life to the religion’). Source Full Article:                                                                                                       The Divine Roots of Human Love: William Chittick : Ibn al-‘Arabi begins his long chapter on love (mahabba) in the Futûhât al-Makkiyya – as he begins most of the book’s 560 chapters – by citing relevant Qur’anic verses and prophetic sayings (II 322.16).[1] He points out first that love is a divine attribute, and he lists several of the Qur’anic verses in which God is the subject of the verb ‘to love’. Fourteen of these verses mention those whom God loves and another twenty-three mention those whom God does not love. In every case, the objects of God’s love or lack of love are human beings. Indeed, the Qur’an associates love only with human beings among all creatures. Hence love is a key term if we are to understand what differentiates human beings from other created things. Most other divine attributes – such as life, knowledge, desire, power, speech, generosity, justice, mercy, and wrath – have no necessary connection with the human race. Source: Full Article :                                                                       

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Welcome The Guide | حَيُّوا الْهَادِى | Arabic with English translations | Sedai Salah- 2/8/24

 YouTube Video:

Welcome The Guide | حَيُّوا الْهَادِى | Arabic with English translations

The lyrics to Nadamurni's song Hayyul Hadi celebrate the Prophet Muhammad, also known as Taha al-Mukhtar. The opening line, "Hail the guidance," calls upon the faithful to remember and honor the Prophet. The following lines ask for the listener to join in prayer and celebrate his teachings.

The next stanza describes the Prophet's journey to the heavens to receive divine revelation. The phrase "He who journeyed at night and came close" describes the night journey, or Isra and Miraj, during which the Prophet traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended to heaven. The line "And he was in the highest horizon, bestowed by the One, the Concealer" refers to the Prophet's famously close relationship with Allah.

In the final two stanzas, the lyrics describe the Prophet's ascension to the throne of Allah and how he intercedes on behalf of his followers. The vision of the Prophet (saws) seated on the throne is a powerful image in Islamic tradition, and the lyrics speak to the devotion and gratitude that believers feel towards him. The final lines encourage listeners to pray and follow the example of those who have fought for the faith and inspired others with their ideas.

Arabic Lyrics

حَيُّوا الْهَادِى بِاَجْمَلْ ذِكْرَى صَلُّوْا مَعَنَا يَاحُضَّارْ

فَهُوَ عِمَادِى يَوْمَ الْمَعَادِى نَبِيُّنَا طٰهَ الْمُخْتَارْ

!!!...صَلُّوُا مَعَنَا

هٰذَا الَّذِى سَرٰى لَيْلاً ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلّٰى

وَهُوَ بِالْاُفُقِ الْاَعْلٰى حَبَاهُ الْوَاحِدُ السَّتَّارْ

فَهُوَ عِمَادِى يَوْمَ الْمَعَادِى نَبِيُّنَا طٰهَ الْمُخْتَارْ

!!!...صَلُّوُا مَعَنَا

عَلَى الْعَرْشِ رَقَى الْجَمِيْلْ وَ كَلَّمَهُ مَوْلَى الْجَمِيلْ

وَقَالَ اَبْشِرْ يَا خَلِيلْ شَفَاعَتُكْ لِمَنْ تَخْتَارْ

فَهُوَ عِمَادِى يَوْمَ الْمَعَادِى نَبِيُّنَا طٰهَ الْمُخْتَارْ

!!!...صَلُّوُا مَعَنَا

صَلَّى مَوْلَانَا عَلَيهْ وَالْاٰلِ وَالصَّحْبِ لَدَيْه

مَنْ جَاهَدُوْا بَيْنَ يَدَيهْ وَنَوَّرُوْا لَنَا الْاَفْكَارْ

Arabic Lyrics with English Translation

حَيُّوا الْهَادِى

Welcome the guide

بِاَجْمَلْ ذِكْرَى صَلُّوْا مَعَنَا يَاحُضَّارْ

In the most beautiful remembrance, pray with us, O audience

فَهُوَ عِمَادِى يَوْمَ الْمَعَادِى نَبِيُّنَا طٰهَ الْمُخْتَارْ

He is my pillar on the day of resurrection, our chosen prophet, Taha

هٰذَا الَّذِى سَرٰى لَيْلاً ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلّٰى

This is the one who traveled at night and approached, then descended

وَهُوَ بِالْاُفُقِ الْاَعْلٰى حَبَاهُ الْوَاحِدُ السَّتَّارْ

And he, in the highest horizon, was given to him by the One who conceals

عَلَى الْعَرْشِ رَقَى الْجَمِيْلْ وَ كَلَّمَهُ مَوْلَى الْجَمِيلْ

The beautiful one ascended to the throne, and our Lord, the beautiful one, spoke to him

وَقَالَ اَبْشِرْ يَا خَلِيلْ شَفَاعَتُكْ لِمَنْ تَخْتَارْ

And said, 'Rejoice, O chosen one. Your intercession is for whom you choose.'


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology: Ramon Harvey -Tea Over Books- Cambridge Muslim College 10/1/21

Harvey’s 'Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology' shows incredible facility in the nuances of Islamic theology and philosophy and argues for the unique—and overlooked—contribution of al-Māturīdī and his later interpreters. By engaging with this original source material and bringing this tradition into dialogue with contemporary philosophy of religion, Harvey makes important contribution to Islamic Studies, philosophical theology, and the history of Islamic intellectual thought on reason, revelation, proofs of God’s existence, and the divine attributes. What is even more exciting is how Harvey draws on this rich legacy to argue for the revival of Islamic theology in the 21st Century.

YouTube Video:


Ramon Harvey revisits the Muslim theologian Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944) from Samarqand and puts his system, and that of the Māturīdī school, into lively dialogue with modern thought. Combining rigorous study of Arabic Māturīdī texts with insights from Husserl’s phenomenology and analytic theology, Harvey explores themes from epistemology and metaphysics to the nature of God and specific divine attributes (omniscience and wisdom, creative action, divine speech and the Qur’an). His systematic treatment of these topics shows that a contemporary Muslim philosophical theology, or kalām jadīd, can be true to the past, yet dynamic in the present, and can provide original and constructive answers to perennial theological questions.

Review: Maydan-Full Article-

Friday, February 9, 2024

The Qur’an and the Just Society : Dr.Ramon Harvey -A Conversation With The Author - Islamic Literary Society 8/31/21

Dr. Ramon Harvey discusses his book The Qur'an and the Just Society with Shaykh Junaid Dar. answering questions such as: Are there epistemological differences between the Quranic sense of just society and that of the West?. Is there any relationship between Just society and the Adamic Fitra?. Can Individualism as a societal theory be compatible with the Islamic Collective societal theory? and. much more.

YouTube Video:

Amazon: The Quran and Just Society - Dr.Ramon Harvey   

  What is justice? How can it be realised within society? These are universal concerns and are central to the primary scripture of Islam, the Qur’an. Utilising a pioneering theological and hermeneutic framework adapted from both classical Muslim literature and contemporary academic studies of the Qur’an, Ramon Harvey explores the underlying principles of its system of social justice. Dividing his book into four parts, he covers Qur’anic Ethics, Political Justice (politics, peace, war), Distributive Justice (fair trade, alms, marriage, inheritance) and Corrective Justice (public and private crimes). His reading of the Qur’an reconstructs the text as normatively engaging these spheres of justice in their socio-historical context and lays the foundations for future contemporary articulations of Qur’anic ethics.                           Book Review : Maydan. Arnold Yasin Mol                                                                                                                                                  Book Review: Journal of Islamic Studies - Edward Moad                                                                                                                                                                                              

Google Books Preview:                                                                                Dr.Ramon Harvey Biography:                                Stewardship & Sacred History (Chapter 5 Politics)- Ramon Harvey - Cambridge Muslim College. YouTube Video:

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Qul Ya Azim قل يا عظيم A Dua taught by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdullah As Suhaimi (RA)-Al Marashli Ensemble - 2/4/24

 YouTube Video:                                                                                          

كلمات :

يالله يالله يالله يا الله قل ياعظيم أنت العظيم قد همنا أمر عظيم وكلُّ هم ٍ همنا يهون باسمك يا عظيم أنت القديم في الأزل أنت اللطيف لم تزل عنا أزل ما قد نزل من فادح الخطب الشديد يا أمل الراجين يا غاية المنى ويا موئل الملهوف في السر والجهر بسلطانك الباقي بطورك والعُلا بعلمكَ بالتصريفِ بالنهيِ والامر ِ بما جاء في القرآنِ من كلِّ مُحكم ٍ بما في فؤادِ المُصطفى الطُهر من سِرِّ بكلِّ وليٍّ عارفٍ ذي حقيقة ٍ قد اغِترفِ الاسرارِ من ذلكِ البحرِ أغث بخفي اللطف ياربِّ حال أهلنا في فلسطين وأنعم لنا باللطف من حيث لا ندري وردَّ سهام الص8اينـ.ـة لنحرهم وخُذهم ببترِ البطش من مَضْمَرِ المَكرِ الهي الهي بالقلوب وأهلها تدارك بنصرٍ مثلما النصرُ في بدرِ وصلي على روح الوجوداتِ كُلها نبيك طه سيدِ الخُلص الطُهر حيٌّ قديم واجد باق غني ماجد عدل اله اله واحد برٌ رؤوف رؤوف بالعبيد يامن اذا دُعي أجاب اكشف لنا هذا الحجاب واسمح بوصل للجناب وأعطنا الحسنى وزيد يا ربنا بالفاتحة وبالرجال الصالحة اجعل أمورنا ناجحة نحن وكل المسلمين يا ربنا بالبقرة وبالرجال العشرة اجعل أمورنا ميسرة نحن وكل المسلمين يا ربنا بآل عمران ومن جمع علم القرآن اجعلنا دوما في أمان نحن وكل المسلمين

Qul Ya Azim

قُلْ يَاعَظِيمْ أَنْتَ الْعَظِيمْ  قَدْ هَمَّنَا هَمٌّ عَظِيمْ
وَكُلُّ هَمٍّ هَمَّنَا    يَهُونُ بِاسْمِكَ يَاعَظِيمْ
CHORUS: Qul yaa ‘azheem -antal ‘azheem, qad hammanaa hammun ‘azheem
Wa kullu hammin hammanaa, yahoonu bismika yaa ‘azheem
Say O Great One, You are truly Tremendous, grave concerns have preoccupied us
And every concern which worries us, is cured by the mention of your name, O Great One

أَنْتَ الْقَدِيمُ فِي الْأَزَلْ    أَنْتَ اللَّطِيفُ لَمْ تَزَلْ
عَنَّا أَزِلْ مَا قَدْ نَزَلْ   مِنْ فَادِحِ الْخَطْبِ الشَّدِيدْ
-Antal qadeemu fil -azal, -antal lateefu lam tazal
‘Annaa -azil maa qad nazzal, min faadiHil khatbish shadeed
You are the eternally Ancient, the Everlasting Gentle
Remove from us what has befallen us; of grave and serious afflictions

حَيٌّ قَديمٌ وَاجِدٌ    بَاقِي غَنِيٌّ مَاجِدٌ
عَدْلٌ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ    بَرٌّ رَؤُفٌ بِالْعَبِيدْ
Hayyun qadeemun waajidun, baaqee ghaniyyun maajidun
‘Adlun -ilaahun waaHidun, barrun ra-ufun bil’abeed
Living; Ancient and Generous; Immortal; Rich and Glorious
Just, One God, Benevolent and kind with Your slaves

وَلِلنَّبِي صَلِّ يَا سَلَامْ    مِنَّا صَلَاةٌ مَعْ سَلَامْ
يَوْمُ الْجَزَا اِمْنَحْنَا سَلَامْ    مِمَّا نَخَافُ يَا مَجِيدْ
Wa linnabee salli yaa salaam, minnaa salaatun ma’ salaam
Yawmul jazaa imnaHnaa salaam, mimmaa nakhaafu yaa majeed
Send prayers from us O Perfected One, upon the Prophet! Blessings and peace
On the day of recompense grant us safety, from everything we fear O Glorious One

وَالْآلِ وَالصَّحْبِ الْاُسُودْ    سَادُوا بِهِ بِيضًا وَسُودْ
لَاسِيَمَا مَا حِي اِلْحَسُودْ    سَيْفُ الْإِلَهِ اِبْنُ الْوَلِيدْ
Wal aali wassaHbil usood, saadoo bihi beedan wa sood
Laa siyamaa maa Hee ilHasood, Saiful -ilaahi ibnul waleed
The (Prophetic) relatives and brave companions
-became masters through him, regardless of colour
Especially the effacer of great armies; the sword of God, (Khalid) the son of al-Waleed


Friday, February 2, 2024

Miraj-un-Nabiﷺ Conference 2017 at United Islamic Center of Arizona (UICA) with Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy

Miraj-un-Nabiﷺ Conference 2017 with Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy at United Center of Arizona (UICA), Sponsored by UICA & Naqshbandiya Foundation For Islamic Education (NFIE)- jmukarram 4/23/2017
Program: * Hamza (Christopher) Boisse - Secretary UICA - Vision of UICA
* Quranic Recitation: Qari Masood Omar Muhammad
* Welcome & Speech: Mufti Didmar Faja , Imam,UICA. Director,Greenway Academy.
* Dr.Ahmed Mirza- Introducing NFIE & Shaykh Ninowy.
* Keynote Speech-Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy